JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 149-156.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811012
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PAN Lei1(), SUN Yujun1(
), WANG Yifu1, CHEN Liping2, CAO Yuanshuai3
SUN Yujun;
CLC Number:
PAN Lei, SUN Yujun, WANG Yifu, CHEN Liping, CAO Yuanshuai. Estimation of aboveground biomass in a Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata)forest combining data of Sentinel⁃1 and Sentinel⁃2[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(3): 149-156.
Table 1
Field biomass distribution in general"
地上生物量水平/(Mg·hm-2) AGB class | 样地数number of plots | 地上生物量/(Mg·hm-2) aboveground biomass weight | 占比/% ratio |
<100 | 8 | 23.73、 29.00、 33.00、 38.90、 52.91、 75.79、 86.35、 93.62 | 16 |
≥100~200 | 20 | 100.69、 105.00、 105.14 、 113.01、 122.99 、 124.63、 127.90 、 128.64、 135.18、 144.82、 146.47、 154.32、 159.18、 161.26、 177.21、 182.20、 182.44 、 185.66、 189.07、 199.66 | 40 |
≥200~300 | 18 | 200.63、 211.47、 219.30、 219.33、 219.74、 219.04、 226.75、 245.71、 248.61、 256.27、 256.43、 262.37、 274.59、 279.18、 284.16、 286.27、 295.10、 299.83 | 36 |
≥300 | 4 | 300.75、 310.67、 394.53、 401.22 | 8 |
Table 3
Vegetation index and calculation formula based on Sentinel?2 image"
植被指数 vegetable index | 计算公式 calculation formula |
土壤调整植被指数 soil adjusted vegetation index(ISAV) | ISAV=1.5(ρnir–ρred)/(ρnir+ρred+0.5) |
归一化植被指数 normalized difference vegetation index(INDV) | INDV=(ρnir–ρred)/(ρnir+ρred) |
第二修正土壤调整植被指数 second modified soil adjusted vegetation index(IMSAV2) | IMSAV2=0.5[2(ρnir+1)-sqrt[(2ρnir+1)(2ρnir+1)-8(ρnir-ρred)]] |
差值植被指数 difference vegetation index(IDV) | IDV=ρnir–ρred |
比值植被指数 ratio vegetation index(IRV) | IRV=ρnir/ρred |
垂直植被指数 perpendicular vegetation index(IPV) | IPV=sin (a)ρnir-cos (a)ρred (a=45°) |
红外比率植被指数 infrared percentage vegetation index(IIPV) | IIPV=ρnir/(ρnir+ρred) |
加权差异植被指数 weighted difference vegetation index(IWDV) | IWDV=ρnir–0.5 ρred |
转换归一化植被指数 transformed normalized difference vegetation index (ITNDV) | ITNDV=sqrt[(ρnir-ρred)/(ρnir+ρred)+0.5] |
绿度归一化植被指数 green normalized difference vegetation index (IGNDV) | IGNDV=(ρnir–ρgreen)/(ρnir+ρgreen) |
颜色指数 colour index (IC) | IC=(ρred-ρgreen)/(ρred+ρgreen) |
大气修正植被指数atmospherically resistant vegetation index(IARV) | IARV=(ρnir-rb)/(ρnir+rb) rb=(ρred)-γ(ρblue-ρred), with γ=1 |
Table 4
Regression model to estimate AGB using band reflection"
遥感因子类型 remote sensing factors | 模型拟合参数 model fitting parameters | 截距和变量的拟合参数 fitting parameters for intercept and variables | |||||||
R2 | R2adj | 均方根误差/ (Mg·hm-2) RMSE | P | 截距和变量 intercept & variables | 系数 coefficient | 系数标准误 SE. of coefficient | P | 方差膨胀因子 VIF | |
单波段 band | 0.347 | 0.319 | 74.81 | 4.5×10-5 | 截距 | 258.40 | 43.70 | 3.6×10-7*** | ― |
B2 | -1.69 | 0.36 | 2.3×10-5*** | 2.10 | |||||
B8 | 0.11 | 0.02 | 3.6×10-5*** | 2.10 | |||||
植被指数 VI | 0.346 | 0.303 | 75.69 | 0.000 2 | 截距 | 812.83 | 331.57 | 0.018 1* | ― |
IMSAV2 | -332.92 | 158.55 | 0.041 2* | 2.46 | |||||
IRV | 73.46 | 18.51 | 0.000 3*** | 8.76 | |||||
IARV | 1 348.28 | 558.82 | 0.019 8* | 5.85 | |||||
纹理 texture | 0.477 | 0.455 | 66.94 | 2.4×10-7 | 截距 | 159.13 | 32.92 | 1.5×10-5*** | — |
CB3 | 128.33 | 27.53 | 2.6×10-5*** | 1.00 | |||||
ETNDVI | -67.12 | 18.69 | 0.000 8*** | 1.00 | |||||
所有因子 all factors | 0.542 | 0.501 | 64.04 | 3.1×10-7 | 截距 | 238.47 | 52.40 | 4.0×10-5*** | — |
B2 | -0.87 | 0.356 | 0.02* | 2.84 | |||||
B12 | 0.19 | 0.08 | 0.02* | 2.99 | |||||
CB3 | 124.76 | 26.58 | 2.5×10-5*** | 1.10 | |||||
ETNDVI | -75.84 | 18.69 | 0.000 2*** | 1.14 |
Table 5
Regression model to estimate AGB combining on Sentinel?1 and Sentinel?2"
模型拟合参数 model fitting parameters | 截距和变量的拟合参数 fitting parameters for intercept and variables | |||||||
R2 | R2adj | 均方根误差/ (Mg·hm-2) RMSE | P | 截距和变量 intercept & variables | 系数 coefficient | 系数标准误 SE. of coefficient | P | 方差膨胀因子 VIF |
0.629 | 0.575 | 59.13 | 6.9×10-8 | 截距 | 232.32 | 48.53 | 2.0×10-5*** | — |
B2 | -0.77 | 0.35 | 0.032 8* | 3.17 | ||||
B12 | 0.18 | 0.08 | 0.002 2* | 3.08 | ||||
CB3 | 108.81 | 25.11 | 8.7×10-5*** | 1.11 | ||||
ETNOVI | -83.01 | 17.43 | 2.2×10-5*** | 1.16 | ||||
CVH5 | -95.60 | 42.84 | 0.030 9* | 1.32 | ||||
DVH9 | 17.46 | 6.23 | 0.007 3** | 1.17 |
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