JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 94-102.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202003082

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Dynamic characteristics of cutting rooting of Catalpa bungei with tender branches

WANG Gaiping(), WANG Lianggui, WANG Xiaocong, ZHANG Chen, ZHANG Lei, LIU Bin   

  1. Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China,College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China
  • Received:2020-03-28 Revised:2020-07-17 Online:2020-11-30 Published:2020-12-07


【Objective】Catalpa bungei is a precious wood tree species in China. Most C. bugein trees are self-sterile and their seedlings are mainly obtained through vegetative propagation. However, a low propagation coefficient and lack of high-quality cutting seedlings have restrained the development of C. bungei plantation. In order to explore the mechanism of C. bungei rooting and to select a suitable method for cutting rooting of C. bungei, the characteristics of root and principles of adventitious root formation were studied using different treatment methods.【Method】Using variety ‘8611’ of C. bungei as materials, a two factor (rooting agent, branch position) completely randomized design experiment was conducted in this study. The dynamic changes of cuttings and rooting stages were observed and divided during the process of rooting, and then the anatomical structure of cuttings at different rooting stages was analyzed using the paraffin section method. Finally, the related indexes of root system were measured using a root scanner and the correlation analysis and multiple comparison of various index data were carried out to obtain the best root handle.【Result】The rooting process of C. bungei cuttings was divided into four stages: 3-7 days as a callus induction period; 7-18 days as a callus and adventitious roots formation stage; 18-20 days as a large-scale form of adventitious roots of cutting stage; and after 20 days as an adventitious roots elongation period. Different hormones and branch positions had significant effects on shoot rooting. Cuttings made from the upper position of branches easily took root, but were perishable; however, cuttings from the middle position of branches had the best rooting effectiveness. The cuttings treated with GGR-6 were easier in taking root and had the best root formation. Comprehensively, the best treatment was that of the cuttings from the middle position of branches with 1 000 mg/kg GGR-6, in which the rooting rate was approximately 92%. No latent root primordium was found based on morphological and anatomical observations and it is speculated that variety ‘8611’ belongs to the induced root primordium type.【Conclusion】The rooting time of C. bungei was about 20 days, which is likely to be the time of induced rooting. The optimal treatment for cutting rooting of C. bungei was the middle position of the tender branches treated with 1 000 mg/kg GGR-6.

Key words: Catalpa bungei, shoot cutting, anatomy observation, root development, rooting rate

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