JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 1995, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (01): 47-51.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.1995.01.010

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Wu Qiongmei; Fan Ruwen(Nanjing Forestry University Nanjing 210037)Xiao Shihai(Forestry Department of Fujian Province)Wang Yuanhao;Wu Youlong   

  1. Youxi Forest Farm Fujian Province
  • Online:1995-03-18 Published:1995-02-18

Abstract: Investigation has been made into the distribution of male and female cones in the crown and the process of flowering and pollination of Chinese fir [Cunninghamia Lanceolata(Lamb.)Hook.].More than three fourths of female cones are borne in the mid and top parts of the crown,i.e.,branches on the I-IV yearly sections of trunk in a 15-year-old seed orchard.In contrast,only about 40% of pollen cones are set in this area.It takes about seven days for a female cone to open and close again its bract scales,but the reception period for pollen grains in individual female cones is only 3-5 days in view of the presence of pollination drop. A quantitative analysis has showed that sunny and breezy days with low humidity are necessary for pollen to disperse.It is not the cone but seed development that is determined by the amount of pollen grains settled on ovules.It is hoped that the effective pollination,the ratio of the number of ovules settled by pollen grains to the total number of ovules, could be used as a potential parameter for predicting seed crop from a seed orchard or a seed stand.