JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2000, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (02): 38-42.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2000.02.011

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A Prelimilnary Study on Compound Microbial lnsecticides of Pantana phyllostachysae Chao

Luo Qunrong   

  1. Forestry Bureau of Shaowu City Fujian Province Shaowu\ 354000
  • Online:2000-04-18 Published:2000-04-18

Abstract: We have tested the poisonous power to Pantana phyllostachysae of three different kinds of Beauveria bassiana,Bacillus thuringensis and 80% DDVP,against 2~3 instars larvae.The results showed,the sequence of poisonous power is Bb Dendrolimus (made in Yongan)>Bt>Bb P.phyllostachysae (Shaowu).Bised on the biological measure in laboratory and experment in field,the sptimum composition of compound micribial insecticides of P.phyllostachysae is chose,which are Bb Dendrolimus 1.2×10 8 spore/mL+Bt 1.2×10 8 spore/mL+80% DDVP 1/30 000 against 2~3rd instars larvae and Bt 6×10 8 spore/mL+Bb P.phyllostachysae 1.2×10 8 spore/mL+80% DDVP 1/5 000 to 4~6th instars larvae.

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