JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 144-152.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201804022

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Study on the coordinated development of ecological construction and economic transformation in state-owned forest region of forest industry in Heilongjiang Province

LI Chaohong, ZHAO Xiaohong   

  1. (College of Economics and Management, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China)
  • Online:2019-03-30 Published:2019-03-30

Abstract: 【Objective】After the complete cessation of commercial logging of natural forests, the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province should not only undertake the strategic deployment of national ecological construction and maintain ecological security, but also innovate institutional mechanisms, upgrade industrial transformations, increase forestry efficiency, and increase staff income to promote economic transformation and development. The degree of coordination between ecological construction and economic development in the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province, as well as their self-development level and mutual influence were analyzed to provide a relatively objective and dynamic evaluation method for the study of the coordinated development of ecological construction and economic transformation in the state-owned forest region of the forest industry.【Method】In accordance with the evolution process of ecosystems, economic systems, and the principles of scientificity, representativeness, rationality, and feasibility, the evaluation index system of the coordinated development of ecology and economy in the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province was constructed. Because of the interaction mechanism between ecological construction and economic development, the coupling coordination degree model was used to measure the coupling coordination development level between ecological construction and economic transformation. The self-development ability and degree of mutual influence of ecological subsystem and economic subsystem were analyzed by establishing a grey dynamic evaluation model.【Result】①From 2000 to 2016, the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province mainly used ecological construction as its main goal. Except for 2000 and 2001, the order of the degree of ecological subsystem of state-owned forest region of forest industry in Heilongjiang Province was higher than that of the economic subsystem, indicating that ecological construction dominated. In 2000 and 2001, the order of the degree of the economic subsystem was higher than that of the ecological subsystem order, although economic development was dominant on the surface, the essence was caused by the lag of ecological construction.②From 2000 to 2016, the order of the degree of the ecological subsystem of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province was on a fluctuating upward trend as a whole, indicating that the ecological construction effect was becoming increasingly obvious. Forest resources were gradually restored and steadily increased, ecological functions were continuously improved, and the ability to maintain national ecological security was significantly enhanced. In the same period, the order of the degree of the economic subsystem exhibited a similar U-shaped trend as a whole. From 2003 to 2006, the order of the degree of the economic subsystem was near the bottom of the U-shaped trend, and the order of the degree of the economic subsystem returned to an upward trend after 2006. Especially after 2011, the order of the degree of the economic subsystem increased significantly, with the order of the degree level exceeding 0.5 every year. ③The coupling coordination degree of the ecological subsystem and economic subsystem went through different development type stages, i.e., barely-coordinated→ on the verge of maladjustment→ barely-coordinated→ primary coordination→ intermediately-coordinated→ well-coordinated, which as a whole was exhibited as a fluctuating upward trend and gradually tended to a well-coupled and coordinated developmental track. The degree of coupling coordination from 2000 to 2008 belonged to the transition stage, especially during the period of 2003-2007. The order of the degree of the economic subsystem near the bottom of the “U” trend formed a large deviation from the order of the degree of the upward fluctuation of the ecological subsystem in the same period, which led to the emergence of the developmental type on the verge of maladjustment in the transition stage. The degree of the coupling coordination from 2009 to 2016 belonged to a coordinated developmental stage.④ From 2000 to 2016, both the ecological subsystem and the economic subsystem of the forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province had self-development capabilities, but they were both weak. Because of industrial waste water, industrial sulfur dioxide, and industrial solid waste generated by economic production activities in the state-owned forest region, the external environmental pressure of the ecosystem was still huge, as well as the long cycle of forest resource growth, the data of growth indicators, such as total accumulation of living trees and forest coverage rate was slow, resulting in the weak self-development ability of the ecological subsystem in Heilongjiang's forest industry state-owned forest region. In the development of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province from 2000 to 2016, there was good momentum in steady economic growth, accelerated structural adjustments, and an increasingly clear development path of transformation and deepening reform, but there were also short-board problems restricting and affecting the sustainable development of the forest region. In particular, after the complete cessation of commercial logging of natural forests in 2014, the forestry bureau's income decreased, the investment in scientific and technological innovations was seriously insufficient, professional and technical staff in the forest region were cut off, the talent incentive mechanism was not perfect, and the average annual wage of on-the-job workers was relatively low. The development of Heisen green food, forest tourism, and other groups had just begun, and the potential for the development of alternative industries, such as ecological industries and non-wood industries had not yet been realized. The basic characteristics of industrial development still had an unreasonable industrial layout, were not prominent in the leading industries, and had serious homogenization competition, a short industrial chain, low scientific and technological content, and weak pulling power. The resource advantages and ecological advantages of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry of Heilongjiang Province had not yet been fully transformed into economic advantages, which led to the weak self-development ability of the economic subsystem of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry of Heilongjiang Province.⑤The ecological subsystem had a promoting effect on the economic subsystem, whereas the latter had a restraining effect on the former. Relatively speaking, the self-development ability of the ecological subsystem was stronger than that of the economic subsystem under the continuous support of natural forest resource protection project funds. The significantly strengthening trend of the ecological construction effect in the state-owned forest region of the forest industry of Heilongjiang Province played a substantial role in promoting economic transformation and development, but overall economic transformation started slowly and the development potential of alternative industries was not yet realized; thus, having a certain inhibitory effect on ecological construction.【Conclusion】By the end of 2016, the ecological construction and economic transformation of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province were in a stage of well-coordinated development. In the future, the construction and development of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry in Heilongjiang Province should be coordinated as a whole to maintain forest ecological security and protect economic development by promoting the protection and construction of key national ecological functional zones and natural ecosystems, sustainable forest management, and the construction of national reserve forest bases. Through the construction of ecological industry, non-wood industry, and overseas resource development, the upgrading of economic transformation of the state-owned forest region of the forest industry could be promoted, the inhibition of economic development on ecological construction could be alleviated or lifted, so as to realize the best-coordinated development of ecological construction and economic transformation.

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