JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 47-53.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201810044
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SU Jialu1,2,3(), LIN Shuyan1,2,*(
), SHI Wushuang1,2,3, WANG Xing1,2,3, ZHENG Xiao1,2,3, WAN Yawen1,2,3, DING Yulong1,2
LIN Shuyan;
CLC Number:
SU Jialu, LIN Shuyan, SHI Wushuang, WANG Xing, ZHENG Xiao, WAN Yawen, DING Yulong. Anatomical observation and three-dimensional construction of leaf blades from six bamboos[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(1): 47-53.
Table 1
The leaf epidermis system structures of six bamboo species or cultivar"
竹种/品种 bamboo species/ cultivar | 表皮厚度/μm epidermis thickness | 长细胞长度/μm long cell length | 短细胞数量 short cell | 泡状细胞组 the bulliform cells | ||
上表皮 upper | 下表皮 lower | 长/μm length | 宽/μm width | |||
‘七彩红竹’ | 10.50±0.99 d | 8.58±1.17 d | 98.16±24.57 a | 脉区较多分布,脉间少量分布 | 44.86±5.42 b | 59.35± 5.30 c |
菲白竹 | 12.91±1.75 c | 9.30±1.39 d | 68.94±16.79 c | 脉区集中分布,脉间少量分布 | 44.53±4.87 b | 72.98±10.00 a |
靓竹 | 15.98±2.01 a | 12.38±2.14 b | 63.92±17.89 c | 脉区脉间随机分布 | 47.75±8.46 b | 65.33±10.07 b |
‘黄条金刚竹’ | 13.52±1.47 c | 11.48±1.90 bc | 94.06±21.71 a | 脉区较多分布,脉间少量分布 | 53.30±4.28 a | 75.95±8.20 a |
锦竹 | 16.49±2.30 a | 13.63±2.57 a | 83.24±22.24 b | 脉区较多分布,脉间少量分布 | 46.21±7.40 b | 71.24±11.93 a |
花叶唐竹 | 14.42±1.31 b | 11.23±1.94 c | 74.58±13.37 bc | 脉区较多分布,脉间少量分布 | 37.41±5.68 c | 76.43±8.51 a |
Table 2
The leaf section structure of six bamboo species or cultivar μm"
竹种/品种 bamboo species/ cultivar | 指状臂 细胞厚度 arm cell thickness | 梅花状 细胞厚度 rosette cell thickness | 梭型细胞 长度 fusoid cell length | 叶片厚度 leaf thickness |
‘七彩红竹’ | 20.70±1.68 d | 14.06±2.17 c | 86.90±6.36 a | 85.50±13.75 f |
菲白竹 | 23.71±2.15 c | 18.56±1.87 b | 61.61±12.80 b | 116.48 ±20.83 d |
靓竹 | 27.12±3.43 ab | 19.64± 3.08 ab | 45.11±7.14 d | 148.05±8.06 a |
‘黄条金刚竹’ | 26.58±3.59 b | 18.40±2.51 b | 50.30±7.30 cd | 128.57±8.79 c |
锦竹 | 28.55±5.03 a | 20.26±3.51 a | 66.64±6.87 b | 140.11±6.63 b |
花叶唐竹 | 23.92±4.04 c | 13.65±1.74 c | 54.32±9.95 c | 104.29±6.77 e |
Table 3
Leaf vascular anatomy characteristics of six bamboos or cultivar"
竹种/品种 bamboo species/ cultivar | 一级脉 first vascular | 二级脉横截 面积/μm2 area of second vascular | 横脉横截 面积/μm2 area of transverse vascular | 二级脉间距/μm distance between second vascular | |
数量 number | 横截面积/μm2 area | ||||
‘七彩红竹’ | 14~18 | 7 434.26±931.09 ab | 2 235.06±212.00 a | 453.72±80.22 a | 210.91±18.71 a |
菲白竹 | 8~10 | 5 557.01±754.38 c | 1 872.54±160.40 b | 446.83±42.15 a | 162.85±34.51 cd |
靓竹 | 8~10 | 6 621.92±638.44 b | 2 028.52±330.86 ab | 362.86±84.91 b | 134.99±23.99 d |
‘黄条金刚竹’ | 10~12 | 8 050.18±382.74 a | 1 820.15±334.88 b | 369.76±71.13 b | 156.31±14.43 d |
锦竹 | 12~14 | 7 545.59±628.31 a | 1 913.39±496.72 b | 374.55±105.3 b | 194.20±15.27 b |
花叶唐竹 | 6~8 | 3 833.54±410.90 d | 1 542.28±198.71 c | 221.73±38.61 c | 174.59±12.54 c |
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