JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 27-34.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202103032
Special Issue: “双碳”视域下的生态系统固碳增汇
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XUE Beibei(), TIAN Guoshuang(
TIAN Guoshuang;
CLC Number:
XUE Beibei, TIAN Guoshuang. An analysis of optimal rotation periods and carbon sequestration cost of Chinese fir plantations under different carbon payment mechanisms[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(2): 27-34.
Table 1
Silvicultural costs inputs per hectare under different site conditions"
立地条件 site condition | 营林成本/(元·hm-2) afforestation cost | 采伐运输成本/(元·m-3) cutting and transportation cost | ||||
第1年 first year | 第2年 second year | 第3年 third year | 第4年 fourth year | 小计 subtotal | ||
优等fertile land | 12 453.35 | 3 005.58 | 2 995.90 | 2 205.85 | 20 660.63 | 351.25 |
中等general land | 13 400.85 | 2 725.85 | 2 539.85 | 2 706.05 | 21 372.59 | 332.70 |
劣等barren land | 12 467.52 | 2 365.62 | 2 359.35 | 2 312.81 | 19 505.30 | 310.45 |
Table 2
Calculation results of optimal rotation periods and carbon sequestration costs under existed conditions"
立地条件 site conditions | 碳储量/(t·hm-2) carbon storage | 碳汇成本/(元·t-1) carbon sequestration cost | 最优轮伐期/a optimal rotation period | |||
理想情境 ideal scenario | 年给付情境 annual payment scenario | 理想情境 ideal scenario | 年给付情境 annual payment scenario | 理想情境 ideal scenario | 年给付情境 annual payment scenario | |
优等fertile land | 367.48 | 350.41 | 15.70 | 69.97 | 23 | 22 |
中等general land | 255.69 | 245.23 | 16.02 | 67.06 | 24 | 23 |
劣等barren land | 159.79 | 154.47 | 16.63 | 62.04 | 26 | 25 |
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