JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 129-137.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202208001
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CAO Li1(), JIN Dongxue1, JIANG Jing1, LI Tianfang2,*(
LI Tianfang;
CLC Number:
CAO Li, JIN Dongxue, JIANG Jing, LI Tianfang. Analysis of bacterial and fungal community composition and soil enzyme activities in the rhizosphere of transgenic Betula platyphylla[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(6): 129-137.
Table 1
Alpha diversity analysis of bacteria and fungi in rhizosphere soil of B. platyphylla transformed with BpGLK"
微生物 microbial | 样品 sample | 可观测物种数 observed species | Chao1指数 Chao1 index | 香农指数 Shannon index | 辛普森指数 Simpson index | 测序深度指数 coverage |
细菌 bacteria | WT | 4 868.37±170.75 a | 5 491.06±122.26 a | 10.51±0.14 a | 0.997 6±0.000 3 a | 0.985 7±0.000 4 ab |
OE1 | 4 107.43±537.31 a | 4 724.57±559.73 a | 9.47±0.51 b | 0.989 6±0.004 7 a | 0.998 59±0.00 1 ab | |
OE2 | 4 743.73±94.58 a | 5 363.12±109.37 a | 9.95±0.19 ab | 0.991 5±0.004 2 a | 0.984 0±0.000 6 ab | |
OE3 | 4 188.23±350.80 a | 4 742.88±475.25 a | 9.25±0.39 b | 0.985 3±0.010 4 a | 0.985 6±0.002 1 ab | |
RE1 | 4 996.20±162.15 a | 5 747.51±127.58 a | 10.27±0.08 ab | 0.996 5±0.000 8 a | 0.982 2±0.000 2 b | |
RE2 | 4 290.53±379.71 a | 4 731.19±417.10 a | 9.73±0.39 ab | 0.990 4±0.004 8 a | 0.986 9±0.001 7 a | |
RE7 | 4 763.50±121.07 a | 5 412.76±177.10 a | 10.07±0.14 ab | 0.994 6±0.001 0 a | 0.983 9±0.000 8 ab | |
真菌 fungi | WT | 256.10±26.30 bc | 261.17±31.06 bc | 2.68±0.31 bc | 0.69±0.06 bc | 0.999 7±0.000 2 a |
OE1 | 195.57±22.35 c | 197.59±23.65 c | 3.33±0.42 ab | 0.82±0.06 ab | 0.999 8±0.000 08 a | |
OE2 | 262.75±33.45 bc | 267.20±30.09 bc | 1.89±0.01 c | 0.42±0.04 d | 0.999 7±0.000 12 a | |
OE3 | 313.80±40.90 bc | 319.76±37.89 bc | 2.90±0.10 bc | 0.63±0.10 c | 0.999 7±0.000 07 a | |
RE1 | 356.27±19.35 b | 384.18±27.02 b | 3.58±0.27 ab | 0.82±0.02 ab | 0.999 0±0.000 20 b | |
RE2 | 488.43±3.00 a | 515.52±3.72 a | 4.39±0.23 a | 0.87±0.02 a | 0.999 1±0.000 14 b | |
RE7 | 331.00±98.70 b | 347.15±111.00 b | 3.32±0.49 ab | 0.77±0.04 ab | 0.999 4±0.000 34 ab |
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