JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2000, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (02): 83-87.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2000.02.025

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Studies on the Optimization of Structure of Agroforestry in Dongtai City

Zhang Jilin(Forest Research Institute of Jiangsu Province Nanjing 211153)Chu Baojin Sun Minghua Zhang Zheng Wang Wenchun(Nanjing Agriculture University)   

  1. Bureau of Countryside Work of Dongtai City
  • Online:2000-04-18 Published:2000-04-18

Abstract: By the use the theory of grey linear programming,we reformed the optimization of structure of agroforestry in Dongtai City.The research results showed that:The total planted land area increased 0.49% and the net financial income increased 14.58%;Planting area decreased 2.83% and the financial income increased 16.46%;Forest area increased 24.2%,economic income increased 47.53% and the rate of cover forestry increased from 20.2% to 25.0% ;The animal husbandry income increased 8.9% and the fresh-water raise industry was equal to the average years.The plantation of plant,forest and fish raising area optimizated from 17∶4 2∶1 to 14.6∶4.8∶1;The net income of farming,forest,animal husbandry and fish raising optimiaxted from 7.1∶1∶6.5∶1.7 to 5.6∶1∶4.9∶1.2.It can provide the fundamental basis to the system.

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