JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (03): 189-194.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201809029

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Effect of biological shading on secondary metabolism of ginkgo seedlings

QIAN Longliang1,LI Jiajia1,CAO Fuliang1,2*,WANG Guibin1,2   

  1. 1.Co-Innovation Center for the Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, College of Forestry, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China; 2. Jiangsu Provincial Platform for Conservation and Utilization of Agricultural, Nanjing 210014, China
  • Online:2019-05-15 Published:2019-05-15

Abstract: 【Objective】High temperature and strong light reduces the net photosynthetic rate of Ginkgo biloba, which affects the synthesis of flavonoids and terpenoids in G. biloba leaves and decreases their content. Applied a suitable shading treatment was carried out for G. biloba seedlings, and the response of important secondary metabolites to the shading environment was studied, which provided reference for the scientific cultivation of G. biloba.【Method】The experiment included different planting distances of corn to form different degrees of shade for G. biloba seedlings, with the same specifications used as those in the G. biloba seedling nursery. A total of 12 robust 1-year-old G. biloba seedlings were used in the study. A row of corn seeds was placed at different distances on one side of the G. biloba seedlings. No corn was planted in the experiment with full light. After the corn grew to a stable height, the projected area formed by the corn plants in the sun was used as the actual shade area. Three types of corn plant spacing were tested, namely, plant spacing of 30 cm(shading rate of 30%, L1), plant spacing of 20 cm(shading rate of approximately 50%, L2), and plant spacing of 10 cm(shading rate of approximately 70%, L3). A full light treatment was included as the control(shading rate of 0, CK). Each area group had an empty piece of land as an isolation zone and each group contained three replicates. By reducing the temperature and light intensity of ginkgo leaves by shading from corn, the content of the main secondary metabolites in G. biloba leaves was determined under different treatments, and the suitable shading density was selected to increase the content of secondary metabolites of G. biloba.【Result】Under different shading density treatments, the content of quercetin, sanepin, Lisu and total flavonoids all showed differing levels in the order of L1 > L2 > CK > L3. G. biloba lactone GA, GB, GC and total lactone content were expressed as L1 > L2 > L3 > CK. The content of the white fruit lactone BB was expressed as L1 > L2 > CK > L3. In general, the content of flavonoids, total terpene lactones, and individual monomers in G. biloba were the highest under the L1 treatment, followed by L2, and the L3 treatment was not conducive to the accumulation of secondary metabolites in G. biloba.【Conclusion】The L1 treatment had the greatest effect on the synthesis of flavonoids and terpene lactones of G. biloba, and the content of the three flavonoids, namely, quercetin, kaempferol and isorhamnetin was higher in the L1 treatment than that in the CK treatment. Thus, with an increase of shade density, G. biloba lactone(GA, GB and GC)and white fruit lactone BB showed a decreasing trend.

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