JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 135-140.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201901046
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MA Qingjiang1(), SUN Caowen2, ZHANG Leying3, HU Ziheng2, ZHANG Shijiao2, FU Xiangxiang2,*(
FU Xiangxiang;
CLC Number:
MA Qingjiang, SUN Caowen, ZHANG Leying, HU Ziheng, ZHANG Shijiao, FU Xiangxiang. Identification of potential distribution region for East Asian dogwoods (Cornus) in China[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2019, 43(5): 135-140.
Table 2
Environmental variables and their relative contributions to the MaxEnt model"
变量代号 variable code | 环境变量 environmental variables | 贡献率/% contribution ratio |
bio-12 | 年均降水量 annual precipitation | 68.0 |
bio-4 | 温度季节变异系数 temperature seasonality(standard deviation *100) | 7.2 |
bio-7 | 年均温变化范围 temperature annual range(bio5-bio6) | 6.5 |
bio-10 | 最暖季平均温度 mean temperature of the warmest quarter | 5.4 |
bio-6 | 最冷月最低温度 min imum temperature of the coldest month | 4.5 |
bio-8 | 最湿季平均温度 mean temperature of the wettest quarter | 2.2 |
bio-15 | 降水量变异系数 precipitation seasonality (coefficient of variation) | 1.2 |
bio-3 | 昼夜温差与年温差比值 isothermality(bio2/bio7) (* 100) | 0.9 |
bio-19 | 最冷季降水量 precipitation of the coldest quarter | 0.8 |
bio-16 | 最湿季降水量 precipitation of the wettest quarter | 0.7 |
bio-2 | 昼夜温差月均值 mean diurnal range (mean of monthly (max temp-min temp)) | 0.7 |
bio-11 | 最冷季平均温度 mean temperature of the coldest quarter | 0.5 |
bio-13 | 最湿月降水量 precipitation of wettest month | 0.5 |
bio-9 | 最干季平均温度 mean temperature of the driest quarter | 0.3 |
bio-14 | 最干月降水量 precipitation of driest month | 0.2 |
bio-18 | 最暖季降水量 precipitation of the warmest quarter | 0.2 |
bio-5 | 最暖月最高温度 maximum temperature of the warmest month | 0.2 |
bio-1 | 年均温度 annual mean temperature | 0.1 |
bio-17 | 最干季降水量 precipitation of the driest quarter | 0 |
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