JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 81-88.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201808031
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DENG Xiaojun1(), TANG Jian1, WANG Huili1, SONG Xianchong1, CAO Jizhao1, QING Zuoyu1, SONG Guangtao2,*(
SONG Guangtao;
CLC Number:
DENG Xiaojun, TANG Jian, WANG Huili, SONG Xianchong, CAO Jizhao, QING Zuoyu, SONG Guangtao. Soil nitrification denitrification respiration and their influence factor analysis in different vegetation zones along elevationnal gradient in Mao’er Mountain of China[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(1): 81-88.
Table 1
Characteristic of sample area in different vegetation zones of Mao’er Mountain"
植被带 vegetation zones | 海拔/m elevation | 土壤类型 soil type | 坡度/ (°) slope | 坡向/ (°) slope aspect | 郁闭度 canopy density | 土壤温度/℃ soil temperature | 地理坐标 geographic coordinate | 主要树种组成 dominant species in tree layer |
杉木人工林(CFP) Chinese fir plantation | 1 130 | 山地黄红壤 | 5 | NE 61 | 0.85 | 11.48 | 110°29'13″E, 25°53'15″N | 杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、青窄槭(Acer davidii)、光皮梾(Swida wilsoniana)等 |
毛竹人工林(BP) bamboo plantation | 1 144 | 山地黄红壤 | 2 | NE 49 | 0.80 | 12.00 | 110°29'17″E, 25°54'21″N | 毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla)、交让木(Daphniphyllum macropodum)、团叶杜鹃(Rhododendron orbiculare)等 |
常绿、落叶阔叶 混交林(EDBF) evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest | 1 222 | 山地黄壤 | 42 | NE 50 | 0.80 | 10.52 | 110°29'27″E, 25°53'15″N | 罗浮栲(Castanopsis faberi)、钩栗(Castanopsis tibetana)、白辛树(Pterostyrax psilophyllus)等 |
水青冈天然林(BNF) beech natural forest | 1 385 | 山地黄壤 | 35 | SE 135 | 0.75 | 9.58 | 110°27'54″E, 25°54'21″N | 长柄水青冈(Fagus longipetiolata)、摆竹(Indosasa shibataeoides)、团叶杜鹃等 |
南方铁杉林(SHF) southern hemlock forest | 2 042 | 泥炭土 | 2 | 0 | 0.70 | 7.46 | 110°26'01″E, 25°53'48″N | 南方铁杉(Tsuga chinensis)、曼椆(Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon)、丁香杜鹃(Rhododendron farrerae)等 |
山顶灌丛(MS) mountaintop shrub | 2 045 | 山地黄棕壤 | 12 | NE 62 | 0.90 | 8.04 | 110°24'45″E, 25°51'58″N | 豪猪刺(Berberis julianae)、三花冬青(Ilex triflora)、灯笼树(Enkianthus chinensis)等 |
Table 2
Soil physic-chemistry characteristics in different vegetation zones of Mao’er Mountain"
植被带 vegetation zones | pH | 有机质含量/ (g·kg-1) organic matter content | 全氮含量/ (g·kg-1) total N content | 全磷含量 (P2O5) / (g·kg-1) total P content | 全钾含量 (K2O) / (g·kg-1) total K content | 速效氮含量/ (mg·kg-1) available N content | 速效磷含量/ (mg·kg-1) available P content | 速效钾含量/ (mg·kg-1) available K content | 质量含水量/% moisture content | 碳氮比 C/N |
CFP | 4.44±0.19 c | 109.21±15.91 ab | 4.68±0.62 ab | 2.38±0.25 b | 32.48±0.95 c | 366.50±40.18 a | 2.93±0.64 a | 66.37±2.29 a | 55.22±7.86 ab | 13.53±0.23 c |
BP | 4.94±0.10 d | 103.27±17.69 ab | 4.08±0.31 a | 1.96±0.13 a | 26.70±7.38 bc | 366.28±149.31 a | 1.23±1.03 a | 41.80±9.00 a | 43.15±3.11 a | 14.64±1.66 c |
EDBF | 4.10±0.02 b | 149.39±35.63 b | 6.40±1.62 b | 2.00±0.30 a | 23.66±2.78 b | 631.33±176.80 b | 3.10±0.98 a | 78.07±9.50 a | 63.02±14.81 ab | 13.57±0.38 c |
BNF | 3.92±0.16 b | 73.65±9.03 a | 5.23±0.49 ab | 1.94±0.10 a | 30.32±0.28 bc | 365.07±85.87 a | 1.20±0.17 a | 114.07±18.03 ab | 77.57±11.40 ab | 8.16±0.56 a |
SHF | 3.40±0.06 a | 707.61±51.83 d | 21.11±0.81 d | 1.77±0.08 a | 8.62±3.39 a | 1830.20±82.82 d | 7.37±3.18 b | 233.80±83.86 c | 276.08±67.20 c | 19.47±1.90 d |
MS | 3.51±0.10 a | 244.81±45.17 c | 12.94±1.25 c | 1.76±0.15 a | 25.82±0.44 bc | 974.27±147.72 c | 3.70±2.61 a | 152.50±32.44 b | 109.52±1.53 b | 10.98±1.72 b |
Table 3
Correlation analysis of soil respiration rate, gross nitrification rate, denitrification rate, soil physic-chemistry characteristics and elevation"
项目 item | pH | 有机质 organic matter | 全氮 total N | 全磷 (P2O5) total P | 全钾 (K2O) total K | 速效氮 available N | 速效磷 available P | 速效钾 available K | 含水量 moisture content | 碳氮比 C/N | 海拔 elevation | 土壤 温度 soil temperature | 土壤呼吸 速率 SRR | 总硝化 速率 GNR | 反硝化 速率 DR |
pH | 1 | ||||||||||||||
有机质 | -0.650** | 1 | |||||||||||||
全量氮 | -0.788** | 0.954** | 1 | ||||||||||||
全量磷 | 0.483* | -0.395 | -0.472* | 1 | |||||||||||
全量钾 | 0.531* | -0.891** | -0.824** | 0.467 | 1 | ||||||||||
速效氮 | -0.731** | 0.973** | 0.983** | -0.433 | -0.871** | 1 | |||||||||
速效磷 | -0.544* | 0.779** | 0.795** | -0.064 | -0.662** | 0.820** | 1 | ||||||||
速效钾 | -0.771** | 0.799** | 0.877** | -0.386 | -0.683** | 0.853** | 0.822** | 1 | |||||||
含水量 | -0.697** | 0.950** | 0.912** | -0.479* | -0.857** | 0.916** | 0.666** | 0.834** | 1 | ||||||
C/N | -0.082 | 0.755** | 0.567* | -0.086 | -0.740** | 0.663** | 0.580* | 0.323 | 0.629** | 1 | |||||
海拔 | -0.841** | 0.777** | 0.910** | -0.601** | -0.670** | 0.865** | 0.647** | 0.788** | 0.749** | 0.339 | 1 | ||||
温度 | 0.955** | -0.727** | -0.866** | 0.601** | 0.607** | -0.806** | -0.580* | -0.854** | -0.771** | -0.137 | -0.912** | 1 | |||
SRR | -0.852** | 0.698** | 0.836** | -0.359 | -0.512* | 0.779** | 0.659** | 0.740** | 0.678** | 0.276 | -0.890** | 0.555* | 1 | ||
GNR | -0.890** | 0.801** | 0.926** | -0.591** | -0.698** | 0.886** | 0.672** | 0.821** | 0.784** | 0.338 | 0.964** | -0.760** | 0.923** | 1 | |
DR | -0.821** | 0.897** | 0.977** | -0.589* | -0.774** | 0.940** | 0.708** | 0.857** | 0.875** | 0.468* | -0.963** | 0.850** | 0.868** | 0.965** | 1 |
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