JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 84-90.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811043
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LI Xiaorui1(), ZHOU Fan1, FENG Gang1, ZHENG Xiaoqin1, LI Yongrong2, PENG Fangren1,*(
PENG Fangren;
CLC Number:
LI Xiaorui, ZHOU Fan, FENG Gang, ZHENG Xiaoqin, LI Yongrong, PENG Fangren. Photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics of pecan grafting seedlings grafted on different rootstocks[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(2): 84-90.
Table 2
Light response characteristic parameters of pecan grafting seedlings on different rootstocks"
砧木 rootstocks | Rd/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | Pn,max/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | LCP/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | LSP/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | AQY/ (mol·mol-1) |
‘Elliott’ | 1.198±0.887 b | 16.960±3.929 a | 35.812±22.894 ab | 1 576.073±136.436 a | 0.030±0.006 a |
‘Sauber’ | 0.998±0.629 b | 14.666±2.645 a | 30.495±16.747 b | 1 392.430±142.269 a | 0.027±0.004 b |
‘Podsednik’ | 1.349±0.430 a | 15.940±3.328 a | 37.275±12.528 a | 1 572.180±97.675 a | 0.030 6±0.004 a |
Table 3
Fluorescence performance indexes of pecan grafting seedlings on different rootstocks"
砧木 rootstocks | IP,CSo | IP,ABS | IP,CSm |
‘Elliott’ | 1 539.707±597.821 a | 3.109±1.224 a | 8 646.408±4 088.894 a |
‘Sauber’ | 1 133.600±286.715 b | 2.175±0.647 a | 5 792.274±1 988.174 b |
‘Podsednik’ | 1 311.673±271.100 a | 2.770±0.685 a | 6 955.505±1 763.196 ab |
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