JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 179-184.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811039
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YU Linlin(), HU Haibo(
), YU Wei
HU Haibo;
CLC Number:
YU Linlin, HU Haibo, YU Wei. Effects of urban green spaces on PM2.5 concentrations in atmosphere[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(3): 179-184.
Table 1
Seasonal changes of PM2.5 concentrations in three urban green spaces"
绿地类型 urban green spaces | 观测点 observation site | PM2.5浓度/(μg·m-3) PM2.5 concentration | |||
春季 spring | 夏季 summer | 秋季 autumn | 冬季 winter | ||
年均值annual mean value | 96.83 | 146.76* | 104.77 | 175.27* | |
G11 | XUG | 81.82 | 129.16 | 98.89 | 170.31 |
G42 | NL | 86.22 | 151.11 | 99.57 | 171.92 |
G46 | XUD | 122.44 | 160.00 | 115.84 | 183.58 |
Table 2
Independent sample t test of PM2.5 concentrations in different weather conditions"
天气条件 weather condition | 均值/(μg·m-3) average | 标准差/(μg·m-3) standard deviation | 标准误/(μg·m-3) standard error | t | 相伴概率 probability |
晴天sunshine | 114.73 | 41.71 | 12.04 | -2.642 | 0.015 |
阴天cloudy | 166.23 | 53.09 | 15.33 | ||
雨前before precipitation | 174.67 | 48.47 | 15.62 | 3.128 | 0.009 |
雨后after precipitation | 120.63 | 18.48 | 6.16 |
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