JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 33-38.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202004061

Special Issue: 野生动物保护与疫病防控专题

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Home ranges of Asian openbill(Anastomus oscitans) determined using satellite tracking

WANG Lei(), LIU Qiang*(), YANG Junjie, LEI Yu, QI Tianfa   

  1. National Plateau Wetlands Research Center, College of Wetlands, Southwest Forestry, Kunming 650224, China
  • Received:2020-04-30 Revised:2020-08-05 Online:2020-11-30 Published:2020-12-07
  • Contact: LIU Qiang;


【Objective】Anastomus oscitans is a newly recorded bird species in China. It is also a host for the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus subtype H5N1. Understanding the spatial distribution and variation patterns of A. oscitans and elucidating its spatial relationship with poultry farms are important for the poultry management and avian influenza control and prevention.【Method】From 2016 to 2018, 11 A. oscitans were captured and fitted using satellite tracking devices in Mengzi, Yunnan. The dynamic Brownian bridge movement model was used to calculate the home ranges of five A. oscitans that met the data analysis requirements. The spatial relationship between home ranges and duck farms was explored using the overlay analysis in ArcGIS.【Result】The home ranges of A. oscitans were mainly located in the areas around Changqiao and Datun Lakes; the core areas were mainly concentrated in south and southeast of Changqiao Lake, and south and northwest of Datun Lake. The average annual home ranges and the core area of A. oscitans (n=5) were (45.65±17.57) km2 and (1.98±1.19) km2, respectively; the core area only accounted for 4.34% of the home ranges. The home ranges and core areas varied greatly among the individuals. The largest annual home range was 70.93 km2, whereas the smallest was 22.16 km2. The largest annual core area was 3.67 km2, whereas the smallest was 0.51 km2. One-way ANOVA showed no significant seasonal difference in the A. oscitans(n=5) home ranges (F=2.607, df=3, P>0.05). The core areas also showed no significant seasonal difference (F=1.832, df=3, P>0.05). However, the core areas in summer were significantly larger than those in the other seasons. All duck farms were distri-buted within the A. oscitans home ranges, and three duck farms highly overlapped with the core areas. This indicates a high risk of avian influenza transmission.【Conclusion】We recommend that the local duck farming mode be changed from being free to captive. The population monitoring and satellite tracking of A. oscitans should be reinforced to completely understand its distribution and expansion dynamics in China and improve the prevention and control of avian influenza.

Key words: Anastomus oscitans, home range, core area, dynamic Brownian bridge movement model, H5N1, spatial distribution, Mengzi of Yunnan Province

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