JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (3): 45-52.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202004050
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YAO Jingjing1(), FENG Xiangqian2, XIAO He2, ZHENG Yu3, ZHANG Chengliang1,*(
ZHANG Chengliang;
CLC Number:
YAO Jingjing, FENG Xiangqian, XIAO He, ZHENG Yu, ZHANG Chengliang. Improvement effects of different solid waste and their disposal by products on saline-alkali soil in Huanghua Port[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(3): 45-52.
Table 1
Experimental treatments"
编号 No. | 处理 treatments | 占比/% ratio |
CK | — | |
S10 | 50%炉渣+50%煤矸石10 g 10 g mixture of 50% slag and 50% coal gangue | 0.43 |
S50 | 50%炉渣+50%煤矸石50 g 50 g mixture of 50% slag and 50% coal gangue | 2.10 |
S100 | 50%炉渣+50%煤矸石100 g 100 g mixture of 50% slag and 50% coal gangue | 4.11 |
C10 | 生物炭10 g 10 g of biochar | 0.43 |
C50 | 生物炭50 g 50 g of biochar | 2.10 |
C100 | 生物炭100 g 100 g of biochar | 4.11 |
V300 | 木醋液300倍稀释液500 mL 500 mL of wood vinegar which was diluted by 300 times | — |
V100 | 木醋液100倍稀释液500 mL 500 mL of wood vinegar which was diluted by 100 times | — |
V50 | 木醋液50倍稀释液500 mL 500 mL of wood vinegar which was diluted by 50 times | — |
Table 2
Agronomic characteristics of Suaeda salsa under different treatments"
处理 treatment | 发芽势/% germination potential | 发芽率/% germination rate | 发芽指数 germination index | 生物量/g biomass |
CK | 13.20±4.15 a | 55.60±1.67 a | 30.16±0.74 a | 47.71±3.37 a |
S10 | 18.40±3.29 bc | 66.40±0.89 de | 36.97±1.31 bcd | 67.07±5.19 c |
S50 | 26.00±4.24 e | 80.40±1.67 g | 47.75±1.57 f | 99.56±3.69 e |
S100 | 24.40±3.29 de | 64.80±1.79 cd | 37.72±0.94 cd | 77.51±5.99 d |
C10 | 22.00±4.00 cde | 59.20±2.28 b | 35.21±1.12 b | 53.20±4.00 ab |
C50 | 18.40±3.85 bc | 69.60±3.85 e | 38.12±1.53 de | 56.44±2.99 b |
C100 | 22.80±3.63 cde | 74.40±3.85 f | 39.74±1.42 e | 49.53±4.09 a |
V300 | 14.80±2.28 ab | 69.20±3.03 e | 38.19±1.40 de | 72.81±3.17 cd |
V100 | 19.60±4.56 bcd | 60.40±2.19 b | 36.19±1.41 bc | 69.95±7.26 c |
V50 | 19.60±2.97 bcd | 62.00±2.00 bc | 36.01±1.15 bc | 57.71±3.17 b |
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