JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 143-149.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202103054
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WANG Xiaojuan1(), MA Guangliang1,*(
), CHEN Hong2, LI Chengxiang1, ZHANG Li3
MA Guangliang;
CLC Number:
WANG Xiaojuan, MA Guangliang, CHEN Hong, LI Chengxiang, ZHANG Li. Effects of different mulching measures on bamboo shooting and palatability of Dendrocalamus farinosus[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(2): 143-149.
Table 1
Orthogonal experiment of bamboo cultivation"
试验号 No. | A覆盖材料 mulching material | B覆盖 厚度/cm mulching thickness | C施肥量/ (kg·丛-1) fertilizing amount | D覆盖 日期 mulching date |
T1 | A1(土壤) | B1(0) | C1(0) | D1(4月15日) |
T2 | A1(土壤) | B2(15) | C2(1.0) | D2(4月30日) |
T3 | A1(土壤) | B3(30) | C3(1.5) | D3(5月15日) |
T4 | A2(竹屑) | B1(0) | C2(1.0) | D3(5月15日) |
T5 | A2(竹屑) | B2(15) | C3(1.5) | D1(4月15日) |
T6 | A2(竹屑) | B3(30) | C1(0) | D2(4月30日) |
T7 | A3(糠壳) | B1(0) | C3(1.5) | D2(4月30日) |
T8 | A3(糠壳) | B2(15) | C1(0) | D3(5月15日) |
T9 | A3(糠壳) | B3(30) | C2(1.0) | D1(4月15日) |
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