JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (1): 187-195.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202204069
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XIANG Jun1,2(), YAN Enping2, JIANG Jiawei2,3, SONG Yabin4, WEI Wei1,*(
), MO Dengkui2,*(
WEI Wei,MO Dengkui;;
CLC Number:
XIANG Jun, YAN Enping, JIANG Jiawei, SONG Yabin, WEI Wei, MO Dengkui. Research on forest change detection based on fully convolutional network and low resolution label[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(1): 187-195.
Table 1
Network model accuracy rating"
森林检测模型 forest detection model | 年份 year | 样本总面积/ km2 total sample area | 森林面积/ km2 forest area | STP/km2 | SFP/km2 | SFN/km2 | 精确率/% precision | 召回率/% recall | F1分数/% F1 score |
FPN | 2020 | 400 | 347.07 | 338.25 | 21.77 | 8.82 | 93.95 | 97.46 | 95.67 |
2021 | 400 | 344.78 | 335.57 | 24.02 | 9.21 | 93.32 | 97.33 | 95.28 | |
LinkNet | 2020 | 400 | 347.07 | 336.87 | 22.65 | 10.20 | 93.70 | 97.06 | 95.35 |
2021 | 400 | 344.78 | 328.27 | 14.90 | 16.51 | 95.66 | 95.21 | 95.43 | |
U-Net | 2020 | 400 | 347.07 | 339.36 | 18.55 | 7.71 | 94.82 | 97.78 | 96.28 |
2021 | 400 | 344.78 | 314.65 | 11.36 | 30.13 | 96.52 | 91.26 | 93.81 | |
FCN | 2020 | 400 | 347.07 | 339.96 | 13.26 | 7.11 | 96.25 | 97.95 | 97.09 |
2021 | 400 | 344.78 | 343.57 | 27.73 | 1.21 | 92.53 | 99.65 | 95.96 |
Table 2
Accuracy evaluation of forest land change detection results"
森林变化 forest change | 真实变化面积/ hm2 true change area | 预测变化面积/ hm2 predicted change area | STP/ hm2 | SFP/ hm2 | SFN/ hm2 | 精确率/% precision | 召回率/% recall | F1分数/% F1 score |
森林减少 forest reduction | 369.46 | 386.56 | 286.60 | 99.96 | 82.85 | 74.14 | 77.57 | 75.82 |
森林增加 forest increase | 84.04 | 92.12 | 64.26 | 27.86 | 19.78 | 69.76 | 76.46 | 72.96 |
合计变化 total change | 453.50 | 478.68 | 350.86 | 127.82 | 102.63 | 73.30 | 77.37 | 75.28 |
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