JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 256-262.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202307006
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YIN Zengfang(), OU Xiang(
), CHEN Yao, YANG Aixiang, SUN Liyong
CLC Number:
YIN Zengfang, OU Xiang, CHEN Yao, YANG Aixiang, SUN Liyong. Research progress and prospects of biological basis in Magnolia biondii[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(2): 256-262.
Table 1
Factors influencing propagation of M. biondii cuttings"
激素种类 hormone type | 质量浓度/ (mg·L-1) concentration | 处理时间/ min processing time | 插穗处理方式 cuttings treatment mode | 成活率/% survival rate | 参考文献 reference |
NAA | 300 | 480 | 半木质化枝条semi-lignified branches | >80.00 | [ |
v(NAA)∶v(IBA)=1.0∶0.5 | 1 000 | 1/6 | 带2~3个节的当年生枝条(4~6 cm)branches with 2~3 nodes in current year(4~6 cm) | 40.50 | [ |
生根粉1号 ABT1 | 200 | 120 | 带2~3个腋芽的当年生枝条(20 cm)branches with 2~3 axillary buds in current year(20 cm) | 53.00 | [ |
IBA | 200 | 120 | 带2~3个腋芽的当年生枝条(20 cm)branches with 2~3 axillary buds in current year(20 cm) | 60.00 | [ |
IBA | 750 | 30 | 当年生枝条branches in current year | 78.89 | [ |
IBA | 750 | 30 | 树冠下层枝条branches below the crown | 79.67 | [ |
IBA | 750 | 120 | 树冠下层枝条branches below the crown | 80.67 | [ |
IBA | 750 | 120 | 树冠下层枝条(21~25 cm)branches below the crown(21~25 cm) | 83.11 | [ |
Table 2
Research status on grafting of M. biondii rootstocks"
嫁接类型 grafting type | 嫁接方法 grafting method | 接穗(芽)+砧木 scion (bud) + rootstock | 成活率/% survival rate | 参考文献 references |
枝接 stem grafting | 切接 splice grafting | ‘墨紫’含笑+望春玉兰 Michelia crassipes‘Mozi’+ M. biondii | 86.7 | [ |
贴接 side veneer grafting | 景宁玉兰+望春玉兰 M. sinostellata+ M. biondii | 92.0 | [ | |
切接 splice grafting | 景宁玉兰+望春玉兰 M. sinostellata+ M. biondii | 60.0 | [ | |
腹接 side grafting | 景宁玉兰+望春玉兰 M. sinostellata+ M. biondii | 20.0 | [ | |
芽接 bud grafting | 嵌芽接 plate budding | ‘飞黄’玉兰+望春玉兰 M. denudata‘Feihuang’+ M. biondii | 88.0 | [ |
带木质芽接 with wood budding | 杂种鹅掌楸+望春玉兰 Liriodendron chinense × tulipifera+ M. biondii | 0.0 | [ |
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