JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 81-89.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202204006
Special Issue: 土壤生态修复理论与技术研究
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YANG Hao1(), LIU Chao1, ZHUANG Jiayao1,*(
), ZHANG Shutong2, ZHANG Wentao1, MAO Guohao1
CLC Number:
YANG Hao, LIU Chao, ZHUANG Jiayao, ZHANG Shutong, ZHANG Wentao, MAO Guohao. Effects of different carrier bacterial fertilizers on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and soil nutrients of Amorpha fruticosa[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(3): 81-89.
Table 2
The aboveground growth index of Amorpha fruticosa seedlings"
处理 treatment | 鲜质量/g fresh weight | 干质量/g dry weight | 株高/cm plant height | 茎粗/mm stem diameter |
T0 | 5.24±0.16 c | 3.14±0.06 d | 24.75±2.07 b | 5.01±0.18 b |
T1 | 5.58±0.34 c | 3.24±0.08 d | 19.67±1.67 c | 4.74±0.21 b |
T2 | 6.16±0.16 b | 3.55±0.11 c | 27.56±3.41 b | 5.15±0.36 b |
T3 | 7.46±0.24 a | 4.59±0.09 a | 32.09±2.42 a | 5.81±0.12 a |
T4 | 5.56±0.26 c | 3.19±0.18 d | 25.45±2.38 b | 5.54±0.19 a |
T5 | 7.13±0.25 a | 4.42±0.07 b | 27.79±1.25 b | 5.03±0.15 b |
Table 3
The root indexes of A. fruticosa seedlings under different bacterial fertilizer treatments"
处理 treatment | 根长/cm root length | 根表面积/cm2 root area | 根体积/cm3 root volume | 尖端数 tip number | 分蘖数 till number | 干质量/g dry weight |
T0 | 465.67±28.49 d | 84.14±8.47 d | 0.98±0.09 d | 2 231.33±239.44 c | 3 438.67±228.52 d | 1.90±0.08 d |
T1 | 476.18±34.10 d | 87.09±7.17 d | 0.99±0.07 d | 1 967.33±118.75 c | 2 620.33±269.73 e | 2.00±0.07 cd |
T2 | 869.18±46.85 c | 108.76±7.69 c | 1.62±0.12 b | 3 289.33±238.71 b | 4 985.67±147.31 c | 2.17±0.10 ab |
T3 | 1 376.71±75.05 a | 191.75±7.65 a | 2.51±0.17 a | 3 444.00±256.29 b | 5 015.33±333.68 b | 2.27±0.07 a |
T4 | 1 166.23±46.20 b | 156.07±9.30 b | 1.67±0.08 b | 4 142.33±262.80 a | 6 690.67±221.89 a | 2.24±0.06 ab |
T5 | 881.88±62.19 c | 145.81±10.87 b | 1.34±0.08 c | 3 448.00±301.38 b | 5 212.33±159.76 b | 2.09±0.10 bc |
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