JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (5): 228-234.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202208033
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SHI Lisha(), WEN Shusheng*(
), HUANG Xiaowan, HAN Qian, SHI Zhengyang
WEN Shusheng;
CLC Number:
SHI Lisha, WEN Shusheng, HUANG Xiaowan, HAN Qian, SHI Zhengyang. The flowering phenology response of five early spring woody plants to the urban heat island effect in Nanjing[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(5): 228-234.
Table 1
Surface temperature classification basis"
等级 grade | 地表温度等级分类 LST grade division | 划分标准 standard for temperature division |
1 | 极低温区 lowest temperature region | D ≤ TS(mean)-Ds |
2 | 低温区 low temperature region | TS(mean)-0.5 Ds < D ≤TS(mean)- Ds |
3 | 次低温区 second low temperature region | TS(mean)< D ≤TS(mean)-0.5 Ds |
4 | 中温区 medium temperature region | TS(mean)+0.5 Ds < D ≤TS(mean) |
5 | 次高温区 second high temperature region | TS(mean)+ Ds < D ≤TS(mean)+0.5 Ds |
6 | 高温区 high temperature region | D ≥TS(mean)+ Ds |
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