JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 111-120.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202302010

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Effects of hydraulics and anatomical structure on sap flow of nine tree species in Karst primary forest

YE Yuyan1,2(), DING Fangjun2,3,*(), WU Peng2, ZHOU Hua2, LI Yuanyong1,2, ZHOU Ting1,2, CUI Yingchun2   

  1. 1. Key laboratory of Plant Resource Conservation and Germplasm Innovation in Mountainous Region, Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences/Institute of Agro-Bioengineering, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China
    2. Guizhou Academy of Forestry, Guiyang 550005, China
    3. Guizhou Libo Observation and Research Station for Karst Forest Ecosystem, National Forestry and Grassland Administration, Libo 558400, China
  • Received:2023-02-14 Revised:2023-07-11 Online:2024-11-30 Published:2024-12-10
  • Contact: DING Fangjun;


【Objective】This study aims to explore the hydraulic and anatomical characteristics of predominant tree species in the Maolan Karst Forest and their impact on sap flow density.【Method】The hydraulic conductivity (Kh), specific conductivity (Ks), and Huber value (Hv) of nine tree species in the Maolan Karst Forest were determined through the ‘washing method’. Anatomical structure parameters such as vessel area (A), vessel diameter (D), hydraulic vessel diameter (Dh), vessel density (WD), and vessel wall thickness (WVD) were assessed using anatomical techniques. The thermal diffusion probe method was employed to monitor the sap flow density (Js) of the tree trunks. The measured indexes were subsequently ranked via the subordinate function method to discern drought resistance.【Result】(1)The Kh value behaved Choerospondias axillaris> Diospyros kaki> Triadica cochinchinensis> Platycarya strobilacea > Carpinus turczaninovii > Neolitsea aurata > Symplocos sumuntia > Acer wangchii> Machilus nanmu, the Ks value behaved C. axillaris > T. cochinchinensis > D. kaki > P. strobilacea > C. turczaninovii > A. wangchii > N. aurata > S. sumuntia> M. nanmu, and the Hv value behaved C. turczaninovii > N. aurata > M. nanmu > S. sumuntia > P. strobilacea > T. cochinchinensis > A. wangchii > C. axillaris > D. kaki, the Kh and Ks values of deciduous trees are higher than those of evergreen trees. (2) In addition to C. turczaninowii, the vessel area, vessel diameter and hydraulic diameter value of eight trees revealed that deciduous trees were lager than evergreen trees. In contrast, the vessel density of evergreen trees was larger than that of deciduous trees; overall, the relevance of nine anatomical parameters varied between trees. (3) No significant correlation was found between the Kh, Ks, Hv of the nine trees and sap flow density (P<0.05), Sap flow density of T. chinensis showed a significantly positive correlation with vessel hydraulic diameter(P<0.05), while that of A. wangchii indicated a significantly negative correlation(P<0.05). Conversely, the sap flow density of S. sumuntia positively correlated with vessel density (P<0.05), but the sap flow density of the remaining six species didn’t significantly correlate with anatomical structure parameters (P>0.05); (4) Drought resistance of the nine species increased with vessel diameter, ranking as follows: C. axillaris> T. cochin chinensis > D. kaki> P. strobilacea > C. turczaninovii > N. aurata> S. sumuntia> M. nanmu> A. wangchii.【Conclusion】The water conductivity, water transport, and drought resistance of the nine studied species were superior to evergreens. While water availability was ample, the hydraulic traits minimally impacted the sap flow density, whereas the anatomical structure variably influenced it. The dominant species managed to counterbalance the water transport resistance caused by tree height by boosting transpiration tension per unit cross-sectional area, thus facilitating leaf transpiration and photosynthesis. For the effective restoration of Karst vegetation, it is essential to consider the community ratio of deciduous to evergreen species and the stand vertical structure.

Key words: Maolan Karst forest, sap flow density, hydraulic trait, anatomy structure, drought resistance capacity

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