JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2016, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (06): 33-40.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.2016.06.006

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Genetic variation among origin locations of Phoebe bournei(Hemsl.) Yang and a preliminary selection based on seedling growth and root traits

ZHANG Lan1,ZHANG Yi1,DUAN Ruyan1,WEI Xiaoli1*,XU Xiaoqin2   

  1. 1.Forestry College of Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025,China;
    2.Forestry Station of Guandu Town of Chishui City, Chishui 564706,China
  • Online:2016-12-18 Published:2016-12-18

Abstract: For early selecting excellent origin location of Phoebe bournei, we collected seeds from 17 Phoebe bournei origion locations in Guizhou, Zhejiang and Fujian Province and conducted container seedling test, to determine differences of the seedling height, ground diameter, root indices and biomass of both 1 and 2 years old Phoebe bournei seedlings. The results showed that there were significant difference in seedling height, ground diameter, total root length, total root surface area and biomass among different origin locations. The height, ground diameter, total root length, total root surface area and biomass of one year Phoebe bournei seedlings ranged respectively as follows:10.10-14.70 cm,2.02-2.93 mm, 55.57-133.22 cm, 10.92-30.90 cm2and 0.37-1.04 g. The height, diameter, total root length, total root surface area and biomass of two years Phoebe bournei seedlings ranged respectively as follows: 28.02-52.00 cm,4.00-5.05 mm, 189.00-299.44 cm,118.01-249.43 cm2 and 3.66-14.13 g. By principal component comprehensive evaluation, we screened Jianou in Fujian, Lishui in Zhejiang, Chishui and Zunyi in Guizhou as the ideal origin location, they occupy better growth performance in Guiyang.

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