JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 37-43.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201807026
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MENG Dekai(), XU Zhipeng, LIU Ningning, WANG Meng, WANG Chu, LIU Guifeng*(
LIU Guifeng;
CLC Number:
MENG Dekai, XU Zhipeng, LIU Ningning, WANG Meng, WANG Chu, LIU Guifeng. Characterization of photosynthetic and growth traits of precocious leaf senescence mutant of BpGH3.5 transgenic lines in Betula platyphylla[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2019, 43(5): 37-43.
Table 3
Logistic model fitting values and rapid growth parameters of tree-height current increment of Betula platyphylla "
株系 strains | 苗木年生长 seedling growth | t0/d | 速生期 fast-growing period | 生长期参数 growth period parameter | R2 | ||||||
生长极值 /cm growth extremum | 参数 parameter | t1/d | t2/d | tR/d | GR/ cm | GD/ (cm·d-1) | RRA/ % | ||||
a | b | ||||||||||
WT | 104.59 a | 4.96 | 0.065 | 77 b | 56 b | 97 b | 41 a | 60.4 a | 1.659 4 a | 61.91 b | 0.988 7 |
G21 | 97.31 ab | 5.00 | 0.059 | 85 a | 61 b | 108 a | 47 a | 56.2 ab | 1.410 8 b | 64.59 b | 0.991 2 |
G4 | 82.30 b | 5.65 | 0.064 | 90 a | 68 a | 110 a | 42 a | 47.9 b | 1.273 8 b | 70.13 a | 0.986 5 |
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