JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 168-174.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201809007

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Geographical variation and genetic stability of seedling traits of Dalbergia cochinchinensis from different provenances

MAI Baoying1,2, HONG Zhou1*, XU Daping1, LUO Mingdao1,2, ZHANG Ningnan1, HUANG Xizhao2   

  1. (1. Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Guangzhou 510520, China; 2. Research Institute of Forestry of Gaoming Zone, Foshan 528515, China)
  • Online:2019-03-30 Published:2019-03-30

Abstract: 【Objective】 Dalbergia cochinchinensis is a rosewood species in China, its wood and products are incredibly valuable, and it is also of important medicinal value. To evaluate the seedling growth of different D. cochinchinensis provenances, we studied the differences in the provenances, provenance-environment interactions, geographical variation patterns, and genetic stability of the seedling growth. We aimed to provide practical guidance and theoretical support for young period tests. Additionally, we wanted to create a good foundation for the future work on D. cochinchinensis provenance selection and cultivation.【Method】 We collected seeds and carried out container seedling tests with 10 provenances from Thailand and Cambodia in Ledong Hainan, Guangzhou, Guangdong and Zhangzhou Fujian. The seedling height and ground diameter were studied in one-year-old seedlings. The genetic variation and stability of different provenances were examined using a provenance and site ANONA model in the ASReml-R 3.0 software. The geographical variations in the seedling growth of D. cochinchinensis was revealed by the relationship between the growth of different provenances and local climatic factors. The growth performance of different provenances and the discrimitiveness and representativeness of the study sites were evaluated through GGE biplots in the R-language. The cluster analysis of different provenances of D. cochinchinensis was calculated using the average linkage method.【Result】 ① There were similar growth performances of the different provenances in the three testing sites. The 2 sites with the best growth performance in seedling height and ground diameter were the Chachoengsao and Nakhon Ratchasima Provinces from Thailand, whereas the seedling growing performance of Kampong Cham from Cambodia was the worst. ② There were highly significant differences in the growth traits among different provenances and provenance-environment interactions. The seedling growth of D. cochinchinensis was controlled by the provenance, environment and provenance-environment interaction effects. ③ There was a significant trend in the geographical variation of D. cochinchinensis at the seedling stage, controlled mainly by the latitude and annual rainfall, according to the correlation analysis between the multi-site growth and geographical factors of the origin regions. ④ We found that the Chachoengsao Province from Thailand and Siem Reap Province from Cambodia had good growth rates, and there was a relatively stable performance for the seedling growth of the Siem Reap Province, which was releveled by the additive main effects, plus a genotype-environment interaction model.⑤ The 10 provenances could be divided into four groups by the seedling's growth, genetic stability between the provinces, and environment and cluster analysis. The provenance group with the best performance was 147.23% and 80.50% higher than the worst group for seedling height and ground diameter, respectively.【Conclusion】 There were good growth conditions for D. cochinchinensis at the seedling stage in southern China, especially in the tropical zone. Comprehensive analysis of the seedling growth of different provenances in 3 sites, revealed that the Chachoengsao Province from Thailand and Siem Reap Province from Cambodia, which have rapid growth rates and high adaptabilities, are the ideal origin provenances. The introduction and genetic breeding of D. cochinchinensis could be carried out in the tropical and subtropical areas of southern China.

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