JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 179-185.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201809019
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WANG Qi(), YU Shuiqiang*(
), WANG Weifeng, ZHAN Longfei, WANG Jingbo
YU Shuiqiang;
CLC Number:
WANG Qi, YU Shuiqiang, WANG Weifeng, ZHAN Longfei, WANG Jingbo. Characteristics of fine-root biomass in poplar plantations with different planting densities and spacing configurations[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(1): 179-185.
Table 1
Basic status of the experimental stands and basic characters of soil (0-20 cm)"
植株配置形状 plant spacing configuration | 株行距/m planting spacing | 平均胸径/cm mean DBH | 平均树高/m mean height | 郁闭度/% canopy density | 土壤pH pH of soil | 土壤全氮含量/ (mg·kg-1) contents of total N |
正方形 square | 6×6 | 22.70 | 21.50 | 63.20±0.44 | 6.77 | 962.89 |
5×5 | 19.48 | 21.01 | 63.81±0.59 | 6.64 | 976.45 | |
长方形 rectangular | 4.5×8 | 22.16 | 20.75 | 62.42±0.12 | 6.54 | 799.53 |
3×8 | 21.05 | 21.25 | 64.90±0.75 | 6.69 | 1 024.65 |
Dynamics of fine root biomass in different diameter class in poplar plantation with different densities and plant spacing configuration The lowercase letters indicate that different density stands are significantly different in the same month (P< 0.05). Capital letters indicate that different spacing configuration stands are significantly different in the same month (P< 0.05). "
Table 2
Effects of different density, month and row spacing configuration on fine roots biomass using multivariate ANOVA for repeated measures"
组别 group | df | 均方 mean square | F | P |
密度density | 1 | 679.364 | 19.244 | 0.455 |
配置形状 spacing configuration | 1 | 315.013 | 8.923 | 0.007** |
月份month | 3 | 9 702.368 | 162.312 | 0.000** |
月份×配置形状 month×spacing configuration | 3 | 465.944 | 7.795 | 0.049* |
月份×密度 month×density | 3 | 519.002 | 8.682 | 0.008** |
配置形状×密度 spacing configuration×density | 1 | 399.936 | 11.328 | 0.026* |
月份×密度×配置形状 month×density×spacing configuration | 3 | 152.328 | 2.271 | 0.036* |
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