JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 31-38.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811008
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CHEN Junhua1,2(), ZHOU Dasong1,2, NIU Mu3, BIE Pengfei4, XIE Tianzi1,2, ZHAO Run4, MU Changlong1,2,*(
MU Changlong;
CLC Number:
CHEN Junhua, ZHOU Dasong, NIU Mu, BIE Pengfei, XIE Tianzi, ZHAO Run, MU Changlong. Comparative analysis on the fine root traits of the four native broad-leaved trees in the hilly region of central Sichuan Province[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(1): 31-38.
Table 1
Main characteristics of the experimental forest land in the hilly region of central Sichuan Province"
林分类型 stand type | 海拔/m altitude | 坡度/ (°) slope | 林分密度/ (株·hm-2) stand density | 平均树高/ m mean tree height | 平均胸径/ cm mean DBH | 土壤容重/ (g·cm-3) bulk density | pH | 有机质含量/ (g·kg-1) organic matter content | 全氮含量/ (g·kg-1) TN content | 全磷含量/ (g·kg-1) TP content |
桤木A. cremastogyne | 469 | 12 | 2 578 | 9.30 | 7.64 | 1.35 | 8.58 | 9.37 | 1.73 | 0.52 |
喜树C. acuminata | 475 | 10 | 2 597 | 8.11 | 5.30 | 1.52 | 8.13 | 8.16 | 1.14 | 0.39 |
香樟C. camphora | 458 | 13 | 2 592 | 8.91 | 6.22 | 1.48 | 8.62 | 10.26 | 1.28 | 0.67 |
香椿T. sinensis | 482 | 16 | 2 601 | 8.13 | 5.63 | 1.35 | 8.31 | 7.79 | 0.94 | 0.62 |
Table 2
The root biomass density,root surface area density and root length density of fine roots of four broad-leaved young trees in the hilly region of central Sichuan Province"
树种 tree species | 根生物量密度/ (kg·m-3) root biomass density | 根表面积密度/ (m2·m-3) root surface area density | 根长密度/ (m·m-3) root length density |
桤木A. cremastogyne | 0.156±0.030 a | 0.99±0.20 a | 110.33±14.07 a |
喜树C. acuminata | 0.010±0.002 c | 0.45±0.06 c | 10.58±0.68 d |
香樟C. camphora | 0.013±0.002 c | 0.68±0.06 b | 26.64±2.47 c |
香椿T. sinensis | 0.034±0.004 b | 1.13±0.12 a | 97.56±7.13 b |
The morphological characteristics of fine root of four tree species in the hilly region of central Sichuan Province Different letters on top of column strip mean significant difference at 0.05 level among different tree species, on the contrary, there is no significant difference. The same below."
Table 3
The nutrient content of fine root of four tree species in the hilly region central of Sichuan Provinceg/kg"
树种 tree species | 全氮含量 TN content | 全碳含量 TC content | 全磷含量 TP content | 全钾含量 TK content |
桤木A. cremastogyne | 10.385±1.737 a | 437.379±18.501 c | 0.566±0.069 b | 3.282±0.565 d |
喜树C. acuminata | 7.793±0.824 c | 433.130±8.888 c | 0.411±0.082 c | 13.921±1.116 b |
香樟C. camphora | 5.505±0.587 d | 468.383±16.238 b | 0.327±0.070 c | 7.047±0.556 c |
香椿T. sinensis | 8.517±1.128 b | 545.497±26.243 a | 0.624±0.086 a | 15.233±1.625 a |
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