JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 186-192.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201812054
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ZHANG Qiaoyan(), TANG Lixia*(
), PAN Lu, CHEN Long
TANG Lixia;
CLC Number:
ZHANG Qiaoyan, TANG Lixia, PAN Lu, CHEN Long. Tensile mechanical properties of roots based on chemical composition[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(1): 186-192.
Table 1
The content of cellulose and hemicellulose at different root diameters of two species%"
植物 species | 化学组成 chemical composition | 不同根径化学组成质量分数/% chemical composition content at different root diameter | 平均值mean | |||||
1 mm | 2 mm | 3 mm | 4 mm | 5 mm | 6 mm | |||
火棘 P. fortuneana | 纤维素 cellulose | 9.95 | 17.03 | 22.16 | 21.49 | 22.84 | 23.49 | 19.49+4.75 |
半纤维素 hemicelulose | 3.21 | 5.27 | 6.85 | 7.32 | 8.54 | 7.30 | 6.42+1.72 | |
刺鼠李 R. dumetorum | 纤维素 cellulose | 22.28 | 22.92 | 24.00 | 25.64 | 26.21 | 27.00 | 24.68+1.70 |
半纤维素 hemicelulose | 8.84 | 9.29 | 9.50 | 9.87 | 10.16 | 9.95 | 9.60+0.45 |
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