JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 111-118.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201907002
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ZHOU Sijie(), WANG Ping(
), ZHANG Min, CHEN Shuzhan, XU Wen, ZHU Liting, HE Xiaoqin, GONG Shurui
WANG Ping;
CLC Number:
ZHOU Sijie, WANG Ping, ZHANG Min, CHEN Shuzhan, XU Wen, ZHU Liting, HE Xiaoqin, GONG Shurui. Effects of atmospheric acid deposition on root physiological characteristics of Pinus massoniana seedlings[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(4): 111-118.
Table 1
The correlation analysis on the root physiological indexes of Pinus massoniana seedlings"
指标 index | 根系活力 root activity | 根系 (总)吸收面积 total root absorbing area | 活跃 吸收面积 active absorbing area | 质膜透性 plasma membrane permeability | 草酸 oxalic acid | 苹果酸 malic acid | 柠檬酸 citric acid | 根际土壤 pH rhizospheric soil pH |
根系活力 root activity | 1 | |||||||
总吸收面积 total root absorbing area | 0.993** | 1 | ||||||
活跃吸收面积 root active absorbing area | 0.964** | 0.950** | 1 | |||||
质膜透性 plasma membrane permeability | -0.614** | -0.667** | -0.488** | 1 | ||||
草酸 oxalic acid | -0.634** | -0.681** | -0.432** | 0.755** | 1 | |||
苹果酸 malic acid | 0.740** | 0.725** | 0.772** | -0.241 | -0.327* | 1 | ||
柠檬酸 citric acid | 0.746** | 0.752** | 0.718** | -0.386** | -0.478** | 0.901** | 1 | |
根际土壤pH rhizospheric soil pH | 0.601** | 0.642** | 0.414** | -0.673** | -0.898** | 0.331* | 0.548** | 1 |
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