JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (4): 47-54.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.202002044
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CHEN Li1(), ZHU Chao1, ZHU Qingxiang1, WANG Cuiming1, BAO Jiashu1, MO Chen1, SHI Tingting2, WAN Zhibing1(
WAN Zhibing;
CLC Number:
CHEN Li, ZHU Chao, ZHU Qingxiang, WANG Cuiming, BAO Jiashu, MO Chen, SHI Tingting, WAN Zhibing. Effects of NaN3 on Sapium sebiferum seed germination and seedling growth[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(4): 47-54.
Table 1
Effects of NaN3 on the growth characteristics of experiment seedlings of Sapium sebiferum"
处理 treatment | 萌发率/% germination rate | 苗高/cm seedling height | 根生物量/g root biomass | 茎叶生物量/g stem and leaf biomass | 根冠比 root?shoot ratio |
CK | 61.00±11.37 a | 107.37±2.69 b | 5.47±0.41 b | 14.74±1.75 de | 0.38±0.05 ab |
C1 | 54.00± 7.02 b | 105.60± 7.15 b | 5.74±0.25 b | 20.18±0.22 c | 0.28±0.01 bc |
C2 | 44.67± 5.04 b | 107.73± 3.90 b | 5.50±0.60 b | 18.08± 1.89 cd | 0.32±0.06 abc |
C3 | 37.00± 6.25 b | 108.73± 1.01 b | 7.77±0.74 a | 29.25±1.31 b | 0.27±0.04 bc |
C4 | 33.67± 5.78 bc | 124.63± 4.26 a | 8.50±0.49 a | 36.10±2.13 a | 0.24±0.02 c |
C5 | 34.00± 5.20 bc | 123.00± 5.90 a | 8.00±0.79 a | 34.01±1.23 a | 0.23±0.03 c |
C6 | 31.00 ±1.53 b | 98.90 ±2.29 bc | 3.67±0.35 c | 10.58±0.64 e | 0.34±0.03 abc |
C7 | 15.67± 1.20 c | 88.63± 2.14 c | 3.22±0.24 c | 7.76± 0.98 e | 0.43±0.07 a |
Table 2
SPAD and ACI values of the leaves of Sapium sebiferum mutagenic seedlings treated with NaN3"
处理 treatment | SPAD | ACI | ||||
均值 | 抑制指数/% | 总值 | 均值 | 抑制指数/% | 总值 | |
mean value | inhibitory index | gross value | mean value | inhibitory index | gross value | |
CK | 31.31±1.69 a | — | 139.31±4.85 | 5.97±0.46 ab | — | 23.86± 0.48 |
C1 | 32.47±1.43 b | -3.70 | 147.55±5.89 | 6.25±0.33 bc | -4.69 | 25.01± 0.28 |
C2 | 35.42±1.34 c | -13.13 | 154.64±3.80 | 6.28±0.34 c | -5.19 | 25.13± 0.10 |
C3 | 40.08±2.14 e | -28.01 | 161.97±1.29 | 6.60±0.30 d | -10.55 | 26.39±0.25 |
C4 | 43.21±2.81 f | -38.01 | 170.17±2.04 | 7.28±0.32 e | -21.94 | 29.11±0.27 |
C5 | 39.01±1.59 e | -24.59 | 164.02±1.71 | 6.59±0.21 d | -10.39 | 26.36±0.02 |
C6 | 36.78±1.35 d | -17.47 | 161.40±4.32 | 6.26±0.31 c | -4.86 | 25.04±0.30 |
C7 | 33.10±1.70 c | -5.72 | 146.08±4.39 | 5.85±0.15 a | 2.01 | 23.39±0.12 |
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