JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2006, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (S1): 11-14.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2006.07.004

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Study on Pavement Performance of Asphalt Mixtures at Urban Road Intersection

FAN Xing-hua,WANG Da-ming   

  1. College of CivilEngineering Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 21037, China
  • Online:2016-12-28 Published:2016-12-28

Abstract: ln this paper, two sets of aggregate gradation (AC-13C and SMA-13)were se- lected to use together with two types of asphalt (road bitumen and modified asphalt) accord- ing to the climate and transportation characteristics at road intersection in Nanjing. The four sets of asphalt mixtures were evaluated by pavement performance tests, included water sta- bility, stability in high temperature, cracking-resistance in low temperature, unconfined compressive strength and cleavage strength. By comparative analysis, the optimal composi- tion design of asphalt mixture pavement at road intersection in Nanjing was put forward.

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