JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2006, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (S1): 27-30.doi: 10.3969/j.jssn.1000-2006.2006.07.008

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Design and Construction of Cement Concrete Cover on Old Asphalt Pavement

YOU Yong-jiang   

  1. Jiangsu IIaitong Construction Engineering Co Ltd, lanyungang 222001 China
  • Online:2016-12-28 Published:2016-12-28

Abstract: A segment in 204# national state road (Haitou-Dunshang) was taken as an exam- ple to analyze the method and the process of design and construction of cement concrete cover on old asphalt pavement. The practice shown that the method can make full use of the old road, save construction cost effectively and reach an economic benefit.

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