JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 159-166.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202003027
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SUN Huizhen;
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JING Shuo, SUN Huizhen. The hydraulic characteristics of the whole branch and its components of the major tree species in the eastern region of northeast China[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(4): 159-166.
Table 1
Basic characteristics of seven tree species"
树种(代号) species (code) | 材性(代号) wood type (code) | 叶习性 leaf habit | 生境 habitat |
白桦(Bp) Betula platyphylla | 散孔材(DP) diffuse-porous | 落叶阔叶 | 山坡下部 |
五角槭(Am) Acer mono | 散孔材(DP) diffuse-porous | 落叶阔叶 | 山坡中部 |
春榆(Uj) Ulmus japonica | 环孔材(RP) ring-porous | 落叶阔叶 | 山坡下部 |
蒙古栎(Qm) Quercus mongolica | 环孔材(RP) ring-porous | 落叶阔叶 | 山坡中部 |
红松(Pks) Pinus koraiensis | 无孔材(NP) non-porous | 常绿针叶 | 山坡下部 |
红皮云杉(Pkn) Picea koraiensis | 无孔材(NP) non-porous | 常绿针叶 | 山坡中部 |
兴安落叶松(Lg) Larix gmelinii | 无孔材(NP) non-porous | 落叶针叶 | 山坡下部 |
Hydraulic conductance comparisons of branch and their parts for seven tree species (mean ± SE) Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in hydraulic conductance of different parts of the same tree species in the same month (P<0.05). Tree abbreviations are shown in Table 1. The Kb, Klb, Kwb, and Kp represent the hydraulic conductance of the leafless branch, leaf blades, whole branch and petiole, respectively. The same below."
Hydraulic conductance comparisons of the same part among different tree species (mean ± SE) Different lowercase and uppercase letters indicate significant differences between different tree species, wood types, and leaf habits (P<0.05). Kb-area, Klb-area, and Kwb-area represent the hydraulic conductance of leafless branch, leaf blades, and whole branch based on leaf area(specific hydraulic conductance). The same below. The DP, RP, and NP represent diffuse-, ring-, and non-porous functional groups, respectively. The Br and Co represent broadleaf and conifer groups, respectively."
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