JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 194-200.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202104047
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SHAO Junxue1(), HU Xinxin2, WANG Libin3, FATHIELRAHAMAN H Ajloon1, ZHOU Tingting4,5, LI Xin4,5, FENG Yuqing4,5, ZHOU Minjun4, DAI Xiaohua6, WANG Jie6, XIE Dong1,4,*(
XIE Dong;
CLC Number:
SHAO Junxue, HU Xinxin, WANG Libin, FATHIELRAHAMAN H Ajloon, ZHOU Tingting, LI Xin, FENG Yuqing, ZHOU Minjun, DAI Xiaohua, WANG Jie, XIE Dong. Influences of Gramineae community coverage in bird habitats of wetland parks on Passeriformes bird groups[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(4): 194-200.
Table 1
Statistics of Passeriformes birds in the study area"
编号 code | 鸟类bird | 编号 code | 鸟类bird | 编号 code | 鸟类bird | 编号 code | 鸟类bird |
1 | 小云雀Alauda gulgula | 18 | 白腰文鸟Lonchura striata | 35 | 黑枕黄鹂Oriolus chinensis | 52 | 棕头雅雀Paradoxornis webbianus |
2 | 白头鹎Pycnonotus sinensis | 19 | 黄腹鹨Anthus rubescens | 36 | 崖沙燕Riparia riparia | 53 | 黄眉柳莺Phylloscopus inornatus |
3 | 棕背伯劳Lanius schach | 20 | 灰鹡鸰Motacilla cinerea | 37 | 家燕Hirundo rustica | 54 | 黑脸噪鹛Garrulax perspicillatus |
4 | 楔尾伯劳Lanius sphenocercus | 21 | 水鹨Anthus spinoletta | 38 | 金腰燕Cecropis daurica | 55 | 褐柳莺Phylloscopus fuscatus |
5 | 红尾伯劳Lanius cristatus | 22 | 中华攀雀Remiz consobrinus | 39 | 黑尾蜡嘴雀Eophona migratoria | 56 | 强脚树莺Horornis fortipes |
6 | 灰椋鸟Sturnus cineraceus | 23 | 大山雀Parus major | 40 | 栗耳鹀Emberiza fucata | 57 | 黑眉苇莺Acrocephalus bistrigiceps |
7 | 黑领椋鸟Sturnus nigricollis | 24 | 棕扇尾莺Cisticola juncidis | 41 | 小鹀Emberiza pusilla | 58 | 灰脚柳莺Phylloscopus tenellipes |
8 | 丝光椋鸟Sturnus sericeus | 25 | 褐头柳莺Phylloscopus fuscatus | 42 | 田鹀Emberiza rustica | 59 | 冕柳莺Phylloscopus coronatus |
9 | 八哥Acridotheres cristatellus | 26 | 乌鸦Corvus sp. | 43 | 灰头鹀Emberiza spodocephala | 60 | 白腹鸫Turdus pallidus |
10 | 树麻雀Passer montanus | 27 | 斑鸫Turdus naumanni | 44 | 苇鹀Emberiza pallasi | 61 | 灰背鸫Turdus hortulorum |
11 | 白鹡鸰Motacilla alba | 28 | Ficedula parva | 45 | 红颈苇鹀Emberiza yessoensis | 62 | 北灰鹟Muscicapa dauurica |
12 | 理氏鹨Anthus richardi | 29 | 北红尾鸲Phoenicurus auroreus | 46 | 金翅雀Chloris sinica | 63 | 鸲姬鹟Ficedula mugimaki |
13 | 树鹨Anthus hodgsoni | 30 | Saxicola torquata | 47 | 黄胸鹀Emberiza aureola | 64 | 红尾歌鸲Luscinia sibilans |
14 | 红喉鹨Anthus cervinus | 31 | 鹊鸲Copsychus saularis | 48 | 黄喉鹀Emberiza elegans | 65 | 红胁蓝尾鸲Tarsiger cyanurus |
15 | 斑文鸟Lonchura punctulata | 32 | 喜鹊Pica pica | 49 | 燕雀Fringilla montifringilla | 66 | 红尾鸫Turdus naumanni |
16 | 北鹨Anthus gustavi | 33 | 黑卷尾Dicrurus macrocercus | 50 | 黄雀Spinus spinus | ||
17 | 黄鹡鸰Motacilla flava | 34 | 小嘴乌鸦Corvus corone | 51 | 黄腰柳莺Phylloscopus proregulus |
Table 2
Compositions and distributions of Gramineous species in the wetland park habitat in each season"
序号 No. | 属 genus | 种 species | 2019年 | 2020年 | ||||
夏 summer | 秋 autumn | 冬 winter | 春 spring | 夏 summer | ||||
1 | 白茅属Imperata | 白茅I. cylindrica | + | + | + | + | + | |
2 | 菵草属Beckmannia | 菵草B. syzigachne | + | + | ||||
3 | 狗牙根属Cynodon | 狗牙根C. dactylon | + | + | + | + | + | |
4 | 荩草属Arthraxon | 荩草A. hispidus | + | + | + | + | + | |
5 | 芦苇属Phragmites | 芦苇Ph. australis | + | + | + | + | + | |
6 | 芦竹属Arundo | 芦竹A.donax | + | + | ||||
7 | 鼠尾栗属Sporobolus | 牛筋草S. fertilis | + | + | + | + | ||
8 | 稻属Oryza | 水稻O. sativa | + | + | + | |||
9 | 狗尾草属Setaria | 狗尾草S. viridis | + | + | + | + | ||
10 | 金发草属Pogonatherum | 金丝草P. crinitum | + | + | ||||
11 | 稗属Echinochloa | 稗E. crusgali | + | + | + | + | ||
12 | 菰属Zizania | 菰Z. latifolia | + | + | ||||
13 | 马唐属Digitaria | 马唐D. sanguinalis | + | + | + | |||
14 | 荻属Triarrhena | 荻T. sacchariflora | + | |||||
15 | 看麦娘属Alopecurus | 看麦娘A. aequalis | + | + | ||||
16 | 野青茅属Deyeuxia | 野青茅D. arundinacea | + | |||||
17 | 早熟禾属Poa | 早熟禾P. annua | + | |||||
18 | 棒头草属Polypogon | 棒头草P. fugax | + | |||||
19 | 雀稗属Paspalum | 雀稗P. thunbergii | + | + | + | + | ||
双穗雀稗P.paspaloides | + | + | + | + | ||||
20 | 黍属Panicum | 糠稷P. bisulcatum | + | |||||
细柄黍P. psilopodium | + | |||||||
该季节调查发现的植物种数number of species found in this season | 12 | 16 | 10 | 9 | 13 |
Table 3
Characteristics of Gramineous community and bird community in each season of habitat"
季节 season | 禾本科 植物群落 盖度/% GCC | 禾本科 植物群落 高度/cm GCH | NTB /只 | NTP /只 | NTP/ NTB | |
夏summer | 60 | 38.32 | 154 | 77 | 0.50 | |
2019 | 秋autumn | 67 | 56.00 | 776 | 421 | 0.54 |
冬winter | 68 | 31.26 | 742 | 410 | 0.55 | |
2020 | 春spring | 15 | 25.14 | 1 104 | 409 | 0.37 |
夏summer | 66 | 35.31 | 625 | 320 | 0.51 |
Table 4
PCA results based on nine functional traits variables of Passeriformes"
变量 variables | 主成分 principal component | |
PC1 | PC2 | |
高体质量 high body weight | 0.191 | 0.981 |
中体质量 medium body weight | 0.887 | -0.233 |
低体质量 low body weight | -0.940 | -0.064 |
高翼长 long wing length | 0.191 | 0.981 |
中翼长 medium wing length | 0.867 | -0.256 |
低翼长 short wing length | -0.906 | -0.005 |
高嘴锋长 long bill length | 0.191 | 0.981 |
中嘴锋长 medium bill length | 0.917 | -0.249 |
低嘴锋长 short bill length | -0.952 | 0.030 |
解释方差的百分比/% explained variance | 56.680 | 34.180 |
特征值 eigenvalue | 5.101 | 3.076 |
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