JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 86-96.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202208022

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The effects of intercropping of Carya illinoinensis and Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ on photosynthetic characteristics of C. sinensis tree during rapid growth period

TIAN Mengyang1,3(), ZHU Shulin2, DOU Quanqin1,*(), JI Yanhong3   

  1. 1. Jiangsu Academy of Forestry, Nanjing 210014, China
    2. Mopanshan Forest Farm, Jurong 212445,China
    3. College of Life Science, Nanjing Forestry in University,Nanjing 210037, China
  • Received:2022-08-09 Revised:2022-11-07 Online:2024-03-30 Published:2024-04-08


【Objective】 This article explores the differences in photosynthetic and fluorescence characteristics of Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ at different measuring points of Carya illinoinensis-Camellia sinensis intercropping to provide a theoretical basis for high-efficiency compound cultivation of Carya illinoinensis-Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’.【Method】 In this compound model, the daily change in photosynthetic rate, light-response curves, fluorescence parameters and chlorophyll content of 10-year-old Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ trees were measured in the fast-growing period (July-September) at four measuring points, i.e., under-crown (T1), crown-margin (T2), outside-crown (T3), and single Camellia sinensis comparison (T0).【Result】 The net photosynthetic rate(Pn) of Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ could be significantly altered in T2. The Pn values at T1, T2 and T3 were significantly higher than those at T0 in July under high temperatures. The leaves had a midday depression of photosynthesis at T0 in August, and the Pn at T2 was significantly higher than that at T0. The Pn at different measuring points (T1, T2 and T3) were significantly higher than those of T0 in September. Compared with the control (T0), the higher apparent quantum efficiency (ηAQY), maximum net photosynthetic rate ( Pn,max), and light saturation point (PLSP) were high, and the light compensation point (PLCP) was low at T2. The dark respiration rate (Rd) gradually decreased with decreasing light intensity. From July to September, the chlorophyll content of Camellia sinensis leaves was significantly higher in intercropping than in single Camellia sinensis cropping. With the decrease in light intensity, chlorophyll a (Chla), chlorophyll b (Chlb), and total chlorophyll (Chl) gradually increased, and the chlorophyll a/b value showed a decreasing trend. Camellia sinensis leaves produce more chlorophyll, which helps Camellia sinensis trees capture more light energy for photosynthesis. The maximum photochemical efficiency (FV/Fm) and potential photochemical activity (FV/F0) of PSⅡ of Camellia sinensis trees in intercropping were significantly higher than those of single Camellia sinensis cropping in July and August. The light energy conversion efficiency and electron transfer ability of Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ leaves in single cropping decreased because high temperature and high-intensity light could produce obvious photoinhibition. In September, the FV/Fm and FV/F0 of Camellia sinensis trees at T2 during intercropping were significantly higher than those of T1 and T0. The results showed that excessive shading inhibited the photochemical activity of PSⅡ, which blocked energy transfer and transformation in photosynthesis. 【Conclusion】 In the Carya illinoinensis-Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ forest compound model, many photosynthetic physiological indexes of Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ were improved, among which the crown-margin (T2) environment was favorable for the photosynthesis of Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ leaves, followed by the outside-crown (T3), and the under-crown (T1) and monoculture (T0) were poor. High temperature and high-intensity light have obvious photoinhibition in single-cropped Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’, which reduced photosynthetic efficiency.

Key words: Carya illinoinensis, Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’, intercropping, photosynthetic characteristic parameters, chlorophyll fluorescence

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