JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 86-96.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202208022
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TIAN Mengyang1,3(), ZHU Shulin2, DOU Quanqin1,*(
), JI Yanhong3
CLC Number:
TIAN Mengyang, ZHU Shulin, DOU Quanqin, JI Yanhong. The effects of intercropping of Carya illinoinensis and Camellia sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ on photosynthetic characteristics of C. sinensis tree during rapid growth period[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(2): 86-96.
Table 1
Characteristic parameters of C. sinensis ‘Anjibaicha’ tea light response curve at each measurement point from July to September"
月份 month | 测定点 habitat | ηAQY / (mol·mol-1) | PLSP / (μmol·m-2·s-1) | PLCP / (μmol·m-2·s-1) | Pn,max/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | Rd/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) |
7 | T1 | 0.037±0.003 a | 573.333±16.384 b | 46.967±1.802 ab | 6.670±0.689 b | 1.937±0.220 ab |
T2 | 0.040±0.000 a | 724.000±67.092 a | 36.300±6.000 b | 10.377±0.855 a | 1.541±0.205 b | |
T3 | 0.033±0.003 ab | 564.000±48.222 b | 48.733±8.951 ab | 6.143±0.620 b | 2.149±0.264 ab | |
T0 | 0.028±0.002 b | 412.000±19.732 c | 73.625±10.136 a | 5.432±0.494 c | 2.338±0.098 a | |
8 | T1 | 0.038±0.005 a | 606.667±17.487 ab | 28.519±10.510 ab | 6.365±0.224 ab | 0.902±0.158 c |
T2 | 0.041±0.004 a | 813.000±184.310 a | 14.711±1.102 c | 7.721±0.111 a | 0.829±0.045 c | |
T3 | 0.026±0.003 b | 525.333±49.008 ab | 42.004±12.637 ab | 6.113±0.346 b | 1.619±0.021 b | |
T0 | 0.021±0.001 b | 450.667±36.098 c | 62.654±14.621 a | 4.972±0.489 c | 1.936±0.030 a | |
9 | T1 | 0.044±0.004 ab | 825.333±8.743 b | 36.667±5.696 a | 11.405±0.293 bc | 1.452±0.122 b |
T2 | 0.059±0.005 a | 1064.000±86.194 a | 25.333±5.333 a | 17.052±0.227 a | 1.115±0.016 c | |
T3 | 0.054±0.008 ab | 845.333±41.591 b | 27.333±6.360 a | 12.972±0.500 b | 1.323±0.062 bc | |
T0 | 0.035±0.007 b | 793.333±24.258 b | 40.000±8.000 a | 10.862±0.754 c | 1.777±0.010 a |
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