JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (6): 34-40.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202307066
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LIU Sitong1(), NIE Tangjie1, WU Qingxian1, JIN Leni1, WAN Xiaoxia2, YIN Zengfang1,*(
YIN Zengfang;
CLC Number:
LIU Sitong, NIE Tangjie, WU Qingxian, JIN Leni, WAN Xiaoxia, YIN Zengfang. The basic characteristics of stamen morphogenesis and development in Michelia figo[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(6): 34-40.
Table 1
The developmental time-scale of stamen and flower bud in Michelia figo"
时间(月-日) time (month-day) | 花芽长/mm bud length | 花芽宽/mm bud width | 雄蕊表观形态 stamen apparent morphology | 雄蕊发育状态 stamen developmental status | |
雄配子male gametophyte | 花药壁anther wall | ||||
06-01—06-15 | 2.68±0.85 | 1.79±0.62 | 半球形雄蕊原基 hemispherical stamen primordium | 花药原基 anther primordium | 表皮原细胞 dermatogen cell |
07-01 | 3.42 ±0.89 | 1.88 ±0.63 | 雄蕊淡黄色、半透明状,花药和花丝开始 分化light yellow translucent stamens, begin to differentiate into anthers and filaments | 孢原细胞 archesporial cell | 1层表皮原细胞 one layer of dermatogen cell |
11-20 | 6.16±0.56 | 3.22±0.19 | 雄蕊黄绿色、透明状,花药和花丝区别 明显yellow-green transparent stamens, anthers distinct with filaments obviously | 造孢细胞 sporogenous cell | 周缘细胞分裂 peripheral cells division |
12-01 | 7.61±0.45 | 3.76±0.92 | 雄蕊开始积累黄色色素stamens begin to accumulate yellow pigment | 小孢子母细胞 microspore mother cell | 分化出药室内壁、中层、绒毡层 endothecium, middle layerand tapetum layer differentiated |
12-10—01-05 | 8.02±0.81 | 4.22±0.67 | 雄蕊淡黄色yellowish stamens | 小孢子母细胞减数分裂 microspore mother cell meiosis | 中层细胞开始解体 middle layer cells begin to disintegrate |
01-05—02-20 | 9.85±0.74 | 5.06±0.87 | 雄蕊黄色,花药先端积累紫色色素 yellow stamens, the tips of anthers begin to accumulate purple pigment | 小孢子四分体 microspore tetrad | 表皮细胞扁平方形;药室内壁径向伸长squarish epidermal cells; endothecium elongated radially |
02-25—03-10 | 11.83±1.46 | 4.24±1.04 | 雄蕊紫色色素逐渐消退stamens losing purple pigment gradually | 小孢子 microspore | 未完全消失的中层细胞 middle layer cells haven’t completely disappeared |
03-20 | 16.17±1.59 | 9.24±1.29 | 花药积累黄色色素,花丝积累紫色色 素anthers accumulating yellow pigment, filaments accumulating purple pigment. | 二细胞型花粉 two-celled pollen | 药室内壁细胞壁栓质增厚,绒毡层细胞空泡化endothecium cell wall thickening with cork, the tapetum layer cells vacuolated |
04-01 | 21.28±3.41 | 12.02±2.38 | 花药黄色带紫色条纹,花丝紫红色 yellow anthers with purple stripes, purple-red filaments | 成熟花粉粒 mature pollen grain | 中层、绒毡层完全解体消失 middle layer and tapetum layer disintegrated and disappeared completely |
04-05 | 22.13±2.36 | 21.62±2.43 | 花药纵向开裂anthers dehiscent longitudinally | 散粉与传粉pollen dispersal and pollination | 花药壁开裂anther wall dehiscence |
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