JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (5): 163-168.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811040
Special Issue: 薄壳山核桃专题
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PAN Pingping1,2(), DOU Quanqin1,*(
), TANG Wenhua2, XIE Yinfeng2,*(
DOU Quanqin,XIE Yinfeng;;
CLC Number:
PAN Pingping, DOU Quanqin, TANG Wenhua, XIE Yinfeng. Effects of slow release fertilizer dosage on growth and nutrient contents of Carya illinoensis container seedlings[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2019, 43(5): 163-168.
Table 1
Effects of different treatments on biomass and root to shoot ratio of pecan"
处理 treatment | 根/g root | 茎/g stem | 叶/g leaf | 总生物量/g total biomass | 根冠比 root to shoot ratio |
T0 | 8.33±2.04 b | 1.53±0.42 b | 2.19±0.68 b | 12.05±2.88 c | 2.27±0.41 a |
T1 | 41.91±4.60 a | 17.61±3.64 a | 17.58±0.80 a | 77.09±7.55 a | 1.20±0.16 b |
T2 | 37.34±4.58 a | 13.37±3.40 a | 15.96±2.07 a | 66.68±7.22 ab | 1.32±0.31 b |
T3 | 34.38±2.27 a | 10.13±2.26 a | 12.02±1.31 a | 56.54±2.68 b | 1.58±0.27 ab |
Table 2
Effects of different treatments on root growth of pecan"
处理 treatment | 总长/cm total root length | 总表面积/cm2 total root surface area | 总体积/cm3 total root volume | 平均直径/mm mean root diameter |
T0 | 1 296.29±308.10 b | 337.04±25.77 b | 7.44±2.87 b | 0.87±0.27 c |
T1 | 3 021.77±255.96 a | 1 254.58±177.66 a | 49.97±7.23 a | 7.08±1.69 a |
T2 | 2 899.92±495.42 a | 1 095.33±30.13 a | 45.13±4.54 a | 5.08±0.97 ab |
T3 | 2 762.88±172.97 a | 994.00±100.18 a | 35.32±4.56 a | 3.71±0.57 b |
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