JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 111-118.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811036
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CAI Qi1(), CAI Yushi2, LI Yan1, HOU Yilei1, WEN Yali1,*(
WEN Yali;
CLC Number:
CAI Qi, CAI Yushi, LI Yan, HOU Yilei, WEN Yali. The spatially differentiated factors of forest pest control pressure[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(1): 111-118.
Table 2
The deviation of each province/ autonomous/ municipality control pressure to average and the analysis of current control situation"
东部地区 eastern region | 防治压力 偏差 control pressure deviation | 防治率/ % control rate | 无公害 防治率/% un- pollution control rate | 中部地区 midland | 防治压力 偏差 control pressure deviation | 防治率/ % control rate | 无公害 防治率/% un- pollution control rate | 西部地区 western region | 防治 压力偏差 control pressure deviation | 防治率/ % control rate | 无公害 防治率/% un- pollution control rate |
北京 Beijing | -2.101*** | 99.78 | 99.65 | 江西 Jiangxi | -1.507*** | 68.57 | 92.68 | 广西 Guangxi | -2.472*** | 19.42 | 89.91 |
天津 Tianjin | -2.025*** | 99.33 | 97.04 | 山西 Shanxi | -1.751*** | 58.88 | 80.8 | 重庆 Chongqing | -1.446*** | 64.57 | 99.17 |
河北 Hebei | -1.044*** | 85.88 | 88.91 | 安徽 Anhui | -1.185*** | 83.78 | 89.02 | 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | -1.095*** | 51.53 | 91.68 |
辽宁 Liaoning | -0.895*** | 85.35 | 96.92 | 河南 Henan | -1.02*** | 84.6 | 85.54 | 四川 Sichuan | -0.941*** | 70 | 91.36 |
上海 Shanghai | -2.647*** | 98.00 | 81.49 | 湖北 Hubei | -1.326** | 71.43 | 92.77 | 贵州 Guizhou | -1.372*** | 82.64 | 96.17 |
江苏 Jiangsu | -1.762*** | 92.11 | 84.31 | 湖南 Hunan | -1.546*** | 77.45 | 93.32 | 云南 Yunnan | -1.058*** | 92.87 | 81.26 |
浙江 Zhejiang | -1.833*** | 91.87 | 89.81 | 吉林 Jilin | -1.523*** | 78.26 | 72.6 | 西藏 Tibet | -1.325*** | 70.78 | 84.56 |
福建 Fujian | -1.614*** | 93.34 | 98.84 | 黑龙江 Heilongjiang | -1.096*** | 82.58 | 95.05 | 陕西 shaanxi | -1.326*** | 75.16 | 88.83 |
山东 Shandong | -1.005*** | 97.34 | 96.39 | 甘肃 Gansu | -1.412*** | 58.24 | 80.55 | ||||
广东 Guangdong | -2.283*** | 46.14 | 88.91 | 青海 Qinghai | -1.495*** | 68.62 | 97.35 | ||||
海南 Hainan | -3.131*** | 32.12 | 81.72 | 宁夏 Ningxia | -1.66*** | 37.49 | 80.55 | ||||
新疆 Xinjiang | -1.014*** | 61.39 | 87.51 | ||||||||
平均值 mean value | -1.85 | 83.75 | 91.27 | 平均值 mean value | -1.37 | 75.69 | 87.72 | 平均值 mean value | -1.37 | 62.73 | 89.08 |
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