JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 63-70.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201907049
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WANG Aibin1(), SONG Huifang1, ZHANG Liuyang2, ZHANG Ming1, YANG Shiwen1, ZHANG Lingyun1,*(
ZHANG Lingyun;
CLC Number:
WANG Aibin, SONG Huifang, ZHANG Liuyang, ZHANG Ming, YANG Shiwen, ZHANG Lingyun. Effects of bio-organic and microbial fertilizers on growth and soil nutrients of Vaccinium spp. seedlings[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(6): 63-70.
Table 1
Physicochemical properties of bio-organic fertilizer and microbial fertilizer"
种类 type | 肥料名称 fertilizername | 有益活性菌 含量/CFU content of beneficial active bacteria | 质量分数/% content | 含水率/% moisture content | |||||||
有机质 organic matter | N | P | K | ||||||||
生物肥 bio-organic fertilizer | 酵素菌肥(T1) ferment fertilizer | ≥0.5 | 26 | 3.5 | 2.8 | 2.4 | 18 | ||||
EM菌堆肥(T2) EM bacteria compost | ≥200.0 | 28 | 3.4 | 2.3 | 2.1 | 24 | |||||
阿维菌素有机肥(T5) Avermectin bio-organic fertilizer | ≥0.2 | 45 | ≥5.0 | ≥5.0 | ≥5.0 | — | |||||
菌肥 microbial fertilizer | 木霉菌制剂(T3) Trichoderma spp. | 5×109 | — | — | — | — | — | ||||
枯草芽孢杆菌制剂(T4) Bacillus subtilis | 100.0 | — | — | — | — | — |
Table 2
Effects of bio-organic and microbial fertilizers on soil physical and chemical characters of blueberry seedlings"
处理 treatment | 养分含量 nutrient content | pH | 土壤电导率/ (mS·cm-1) EC | |||||||
全氮/ (g·kg-1) TN | 全磷/ (g·kg-1) TP | 全钾/ (g·kg-1) TK | 铵态氮/ (mg·kg-1) ammonium-N | 硝态氮/ (mg·kg-1) nitrate-N | 有效磷/ (mg·kg-1) available-P | 速效钾/ (mg·kg-1) available-K | 有机质/ (g·kg-1) organic matter | |||
CK | 3.73±0.32 a | 19.21±1.01 a | 5.38±0.41 c | 12.57±1.02 a | 151.15±7.32 a | 276.71±10.33 b | 369.87±9.36 a | 123.47±4.42 d | 6.54±0.52 a | 82.23±5.62 c |
T1 | 2.95±0.27 b | 5.43±0.41 d | 5.83±0.40 b | 9.67±0.85 b | 135.72±6.23 c | 334.16±12.99 a | 334.31±16.33 bc | 150.88±6.39 c | 5.82±0.51 c | 116.97±7.68 b |
T2 | 2.82±0.12 b | 4.59±0.33 d | 5.41±0.48 c | 8.29±0.74 c | 134.04±6.22 c | 317.67±10.36 a | 320.36±14.42 c | 169.33±5.55 b | 5.75±0.44 c | 120.47±4.36 b |
T3 | 2.58±0.20 b | 9.11±0.86 b | 5.94±0.60 a | 8.04±0.53 c | 124.36±5.89 c | 335.57±11.33 a | 307.56±14.96 d | 192.79±6.87 a | 5.66±0.31 c | 150.72±3.87 a |
T4 | 2.64±0.13 b | 8.80±0.62 c | 5.56±0.33 bc | 8.23±0.66 c | 141.50±7.66 b | 316.40±10.36 a | 334.40±19.36 bc | 132.00±6.56 d | 6.03±0.72 b | 109.18±6.88 b |
T5 | 3.40±0.25 a | 10.24±0.92 b | 5.38±0.51 c | 9.02±0.87 b | 149.75±6.98 a | 320.65±13.69 a | 349.82±10.52 b | 124.38±5.99 d | 6.13±0.49 b | 94.33±8.97 c |
Table 3
Effects of bio-organic and microbial fertilizers on dry weight of 100 leaves, leaf area, crown of blueberry seedlings and the number of blueberry seedlings basal"
处理 treatment | 基生枝条数 number of basal branches | 冠幅/cm crown width | 百叶干质量/g dry weight of 100 leaves | 叶面积/ cm2 leaf area |
CK | 3.00±0.63 c | 7.46±1.59 c | 1.05±0.03 b | 8.10±0.54 c |
T1 | 5.83±0.60 b | 11.04±0.50 bc | 1.59±0.24 b | 23.69±0.10 b |
T2 | 7.17±0.70 a | 11.62±0.27 b | 1.63±0.21 b | 35.33±1.95 ab |
T3 | 6.83±1.22 a | 19.22±1.36 a | 2.64±0.38 a | 50.15±6.59 a |
T4 | 4.17±1.11 bc | 8.21±1.16 bc | 1.41±0.14 b | 39.12±4.20 ab |
T5 | 1.83±0.31 c | 9.51±1.61 bc | 1.35±0.41 b | 35.47±10.00 ab |
Table 4
Principal components analysis of bio-organic and microbial fertilizers on the growth of blueberry seedlings"
处理 treatment | 第1主成分(F1) primary principal component | 第2主成分(F2) secondary principal component | 综合(F) composite | |||
得分 score | 排名 rank | 得分 score | 排名 rank | 得分 score | 排名 rank | |
CK | -1.676 | 6 | 0.989 | 2 | -0.867 | 6 |
T1 | -0.004 | 3 | -0.206 | 3 | -0.065 | 3 |
T2 | 0.575 | 1 | -0.815 | 5 | 0.155 | 2 |
T3 | -1.202 | 5 | 1.484 | 1 | 1.383 | 1 |
T4 | 0.014 | 2 | -0.901 | 6 | -0.263 | 4 |
T5 | -0.251 | 4 | -0.552 | 4 | -0.342 | 5 |
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