JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 114-122.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202008030
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DENG Ping1,2(), ZHAO Ying1, WANG Xia1, CHEN Qiuyou1, WU Min1,*(
WU Min;
CLC Number:
DENG Ping, ZHAO Ying, WANG Xia, CHEN Qiuyou, WU Min. Effects of salicylic acid on germination of Cyclobalanopsis glauca seeds under NaHCO3 stress in Karst area of northwest Guangxi[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(4): 114-122.
Effects of SA on germination parameters of C. glauca seeds under NaHCO3 stress treatment (n=5) The different lowercase letters indicate significant differences in the same SA concentration among different salt treatments at 0.05 level. * and ** indicate significant differences in the same treatment under different SA concentrations at 0.05 and 0.01 level. The same below."
Table 1
Effects of SA on salt tolerance indexes and relative salt damage rates of C. glauca seeds under NaHCO3 stress treatment (n=5)%"
NaHCO3 浓度/ (mmol·L-1) NaHCO3 concentration | 耐盐指数 salt tolerance index | 相对盐害率 relative salt damage rate | ||
0 mmol/L SA | 0.50 mmol/L SA | 0 mmol/L SA | 0.50 mmol/L SA | |
0 | 100± 0.00 a | 113.22± 7.25 b* | 0 g | -8.97± 0.97 f** |
24 | 40.92± 5.25 d | 111.83± 13.54 b** | 17.24± 1.36 f | 3.44± 0.53 d** |
48 | 60.93± 3.98 c | 116.74± 9.85 b** | 20.67± 2.81 e | 0.69± 0.10 e** |
72 | 79.55± 4.25 b | 129.34± 10.39 a** | 24.13± 3.45 d | -10.35± 1.89 g** |
96 | 52.26± 5.48 c | 91.90± 7.55 c** | 27.58± 4.01 c | 17.24± 1.63 c** |
120 | 39.45± 2.89 d | 75.94± 14.20 e** | 31.03± 2.78 b | 24.13± 1.89 b* |
144 | 29.02± 5.12 e | 63.87± 8.65 d** | 37.93± 1.89 a | 34.48± 3.33 a |
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