JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 135-143.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202107011
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LIU Yanan1(), LIU Yang1,*(
), LAN Zaiping2, TIE Niu1, ZHANG Mengtao3, WANG Chengde4, LUO Qihui1, ZHANG Chen1
LIU Yang;
CLC Number:
LIU Yanan, LIU Yang, LAN Zaiping, TIE Niu, ZHANG Mengtao, WANG Chengde, LUO Qihui, ZHANG Chen. Effects of different irrigation methods on growth, photosynthetic characteristics and soil water transport of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2022, 46(4): 135-143.
Table 1
AVOVA of growth characteristics of Pinus sylvestris var. mangolica under different irrigation methods"
灌溉方式 irrigation methods | 地径/cm diameter at ground | 树高/m tree height | 冠幅/m crown width | 抽穗长/cm heading trait | 生物量/kg biomass | N |
滴灌drip irrigation | 9.5±0.61 a | 3.8±0.26 ab | 1.8±0.07 a | 39.6±14.4 a | 5.7±0.04 a | 133 |
漫灌flood irrigation | 8.0±0.10 b | 3.3±0.04 a | 1.7±0.07 a | 33.7±7.4 b | 5.3±0.05 ab | 132 |
对照control | 6.1±0.09 c | 2.9±0.31 b | 1.2±0.02 b | 32.4±6.7 b | 3.2±0.04 b | 101 |
Daily mean changes of net photosynthetic rates (A) and transpiration rates (B) of Pinus sylerstris var. mongolica under different irrigation methods DI, FI and CK represent the drip irrigation, flood irrigation and control, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicated significant differences among different irrigation treatments. (Tukey’s HSD, P < 0.05).The same below."
Table 2
Parameter regression coefficients and model evaluation indexes of the optimal profile model of soil water transport for the drip and flood irrigation methods in Pinus sylverstris var. mongolica plantations"
灌溉方式 irrigation method | 最优模型 optimal model | 模型参数±标准误差 model parameters ± SE | 模型拟合指标 model fitting index | |||||
a1 | a2 | a3 | a4 | RMSE | ||||
滴灌drip irrigation | Eq.1 | 1.82±0.58 | -8.38±2.70 | 12.07±4.18 | -6.41±2.06 | 0.97 | 2.41 | |
漫灌flood irrigation | Eq.4 | 48.53±6.89 | -101.20±23.83 | 0.83 | 8.67 |
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