JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 234-240.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202209053
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ZHANG Xinfang(), WANG Guangpeng*(
), ZHANG Shuhang, LI Ying, GUO Yan
CLC Number:
ZHANG Xinfang, WANG Guangpeng, ZHANG Shuhang, LI Ying, GUO Yan. Screening and analysis of differential secondary metabolites in Castanea mollissima with different levels of resistance to Oligonychus ununguis[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(2): 234-240.
Table 1
Grade standard of Castanea mollissima leaf chlorosis after Oligonychus ununguis damage"
等级level | 螨害情况mite condition |
0 | 叶片不失绿或几乎不失绿leaf blade is almost green |
1 | 叶片失绿面积占叶片总面积的25%以下leaf chlorosis area accounts for less than 25% of total leaf area |
2 | 叶片失绿面积占叶片总面积的26%~50% leaf chlorosis area accounts for 26%-50% of total leaf area |
3 | 叶片失绿面积占叶片总面积的51%~75% leaf chlorosis area accounts for 51%-75% of total leaf area |
4 | 叶片失绿面积占叶片总面积的76%~100% leaf chlorosis area accounts for 76%-100% of total leaf area |
Fig. 3
The volcano plot of the differential metabolites in ‘Yanxing’ and ‘Likang’ Each dot in the diagram represents a metabolite. Green dots represent down-regulated differential metabolites; red dots represent up-regulated differential metabolites and gray dots represent insignificant difference metabolites."
Fig. 4
The distribution of metabolic pathways of the differential metabolites in ‘Yanxing’ and ‘Likang’ The value in th rear brackets of each metabolite or the vertical axis is the number of metabolites annotated to the pathway, the horizontal axis represents the number of metabolites annotated to the metabolic pathway and their proportion to the total number of metabolites annotated."
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