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    Pollination efficiency of the major pollinators of Paeonia ostia‘Feng Dan’
    LUO Changwei, CHEN You, ZHANG Tao
    JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY    2019, 43 (04): 148-154.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201811033
    Abstract1523)      PDF(pc) (1493546KB)(1107)       Save
    【Objective】 Many Paeonia plants have poor fecundity. Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’is a shrub that originated from Anhui Province and now planted widely in Hunan, Chongqing, Shandong, Sichuan and Henan in China. P. ostii seed contains abundant monounsaturated fatty acid, including α-linolenic acid(ALA), an essential fatty acid that humans cannot synthesize. Thus, the seed of P. ostii is an excellent raw material for the production of a new type of edible oil. Compared with the low fruit set of other Paeonia plants, the fruit set of P. ostii is high, which provides the possibility for large-scale production of its seed. The seed set of P. ostii from cross-pollination is significantly higher than that from self-pollination, which means that seed production is outcross pollinated and pollinator dependent. Thus, the foraging behavior of the main P. ostii pollinators is still unclear, which is important for gaining higher yield and seed quality. 【Method】 We investigated the pollination behavior of the major pollinators of P. ostii in Dianjing, Northeastern Chongqing, China in March and April from 2015 to 2017. Through fixed-point observations, we examined the visiting frequency, residence time, and rate of stigma contact of major pollinators. Through tracking observation, we measured the flying distance of main pollinators between two consecutive visits using a portable infrared rangefinder(Shendawei SW-A/B, Dongguan, China). Occasionally, honeybees flew away and returned to revisit the same flower, which was regarded as a single visit. Through field collections and laboratory observations under a microscope, we observed the pollen load of the main pollinators by netting the forager from the visited flower, and then transferring them to a poison flask and taking to the laboratory. All pollen grains on the poison flask and on the surface of the pollinator body were flushed with 50% alcohol and transferred onto a glass slide before being observed and counted under a microscope. The source of pollen grains was not identified; in our preliminary observation, all pollen grains carried by bees were found to be from P. ostii under a scanning electron microscope. To confirm pollen deposition by the main pollinators on the stigma after a single visit, the unopen flower was bagged until opening. The petals of the large flower were taped to form a half closure after fully opening, which allowed the pollinator to contact the stigma before collecting pollen grains. When the stigma was visited by a pollinator, it was transferred into a centrifuge tube and brought into the laboratory to observe and count under microscope.
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    Analysis of the variation in yield and oil quality traits of selected Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’ individuals
    WANG Yichen, SUN Haiyan, LI Yongrong, CHEN Huihui, LI Shuxian
    JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY    2019, 43 (04): 155-160.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201812031
    Abstract1508)      PDF(pc) (1316558KB)(1050)       Save
    【Objective】Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’ is a special peony variety for producing seeds and processing edible peony seed oil. It combines medicinal and health care value and has strong economic value. The author conducts a breeding research focus on yield and combining oil quality to initially screen out suitable individuals for further cultivation.【Method】We used 6-year-old ‘Feng Dan’ seedlings planted in Luhe, Nanjing, China, as experimental materials. In total, the 31 individuals with high, medium and low yields per individual were chosen from preliminarily selected plants. The seed oil content of each individual was determined by nuclear magnetic resonance, and the main unsaturated fatty acid(α-linolenic acid)content in the seeds of each individual was determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry(GC-MS). 【Result】The average seed per individual was 47.57 g. The greatest and lowest yields were obtained from individual No.1 at 98.89 g and from individual No.31 at 25.73 g, respectively. The average oil content was 29.41%. The oil content of No. 10, 19, 20, 24, 26 and 28 were greater than 30%, while that of No.12 was only 23.59%. The average α-linolenic acid content was 34.89%. The α-linolenic acid content of No.11 and 13 were greater than 40%, while that of No.21 was only 28.55%. Using the subordinate functional value method and cluster analysis, the 31 ‘Feng Dan’ individuals were classified into three categories. Seven individuals with good comprehensive performance levels in Category I can be selected for further observation and the cultivation of high-quality individuals. In Category II, individuals with one or two desirable traits could be used as reserve materials for future cross breeding.【Conclusion】The coefficient of variation for yield per plant of oil tree peony is larger, and the difference in seed setting quantity among individual plants is larger, while the coefficient of variation of two indexes of α-linolenic acid content and oil content is relatively small, and the two characters are relatively stable.
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    Effects of different nitrogen forms on phenotypic traits, photosynthesis and yield of Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’
    LIU Shuguang, DUAN Peiling, ZHANG Lixia, DUAN Xiangguang, GUO Lili, LIU Wei, HOU Xiaogai
    JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY    2019, 43 (04): 161-168.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201810010
    Abstract1452)      PDF(pc) (1494270KB)(1143)       Save
    【Objective】 The effects of different nitrogen forms and their proportion on phenotypic traits, photosynthetic characteristics, and grain yield of Paeonia ostii ‘Feng Dan’ were studied to determine the optimal proportion of nitrogen forms and promote high-yield and high-efficiency scientific fertilization. 【Method】 Three different nitrogen forms, ammonium nitrogen(NH+4-N), nitrate nitrogen(NO-3-N), and amide nitrogen(N-CONH2), were used to set different nitrogen forms and their proportions. Phenotypic traits, photosynthetic characteristics and yield traits were investigated. 【Result】 Compared with the control, different forms of nitrogen fertilizer and ammonium nitrate combination had significant effects on phenotypic traits, photosynthetic characteristics, and grain yield parameters of P. ostii ‘Feng Dan’ under conditions of fixed phosphorus and potassium fertilization(P<0.05). Net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate of P. ostii ‘Feng Dan’ leaves were the highest under treatment with ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen at a 50:50 proportion, which increased by 22.85%, 39.18% and 25.98%, respectively; the intercellular CO2 concentration was 14.67% lower than the control; the 1 000-grain mass and the yield per individual were the highest, and significantly higher than under other fertilization treatments(P<0.05), and were 31.86% and 43.05% higher than the control. 【Conclusion】 The combination of ammonium and nitrate can greatly improve phenotypic traits, photosynthetic characteristics, and yield of P. ostii ‘Feng Dan’, providing a theoretical basis for the rational fertilization of P. ostii ‘Feng Dan’.
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