JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (04): 97-105.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201711019

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SSR association analysis of Eucalyptus camaldulensis wind resistance and growth traits

SHANG Xiuhua, ZHANG Peijian, XIE Yaojian, LUO Jianzhong, LI Chao,WU Zhihua*   

  1. China Eucalypt Research Centre, State Forestry Administration, Zhanjiang 524022, China
  • Online:2018-07-27 Published:2018-07-27

Abstract: Abstract: 【Objective】To elucidate Eucalyptus camaldulensis wind resistance, identify molecular markers and favorable alleles, and select genetic materials with favorable alleles for breeding wind resistant eucalyptus. 【Method】One-hundred and nine E. camaldulensis half-sibs were selected as materials and 107 pairs of SSR primers with high polymorphism were used for genotype detection with a correlation analysis method. Structure 2.3.4 software was used to analyze population structure and calculate linkage disequilibrium statistics. Association analysis with four E. camaldulensis wind resistant traits, including tree height, diameter-at-breast-height(DBH), volume, and wind damage index, was carried out using TASSEL 3.0 software together with the mixed linear model(MLM)methods. Based on the phenotypic effects, excellent allele loci were identified and counted. 【Result】 The 109 E. camaldulensis materials were divided into two subgroups based on population genetic structure analysis. Twenty-five SSR markers(P<0.05)related to wind resistance were obtained by association analysis, which explained the 9.26%-71.14% phenotypic variation of growth traits and wind resistance, with an average interpretation rate of 36.27%. Thirteen markers were related to tree height; the highest contribution rate was observed for EUCeSSR235(71.14%), the maximum allelic variation in phenotypic effect was exhibited by EUCeSSR352-320, and nine typical materials were detected. Seven markers correlated significantly with DBH. The highest contribution rate was demonstrated by EUCeSSR332(63.29%), while EUCeSSR489-128 had the greatest variation in phenotypic effect, and 11 typical materials were detected. Five markers were related to volume; the highest contribution rate was exhibited by EUCeSSR332(61.38%), EUCeSSR489-128 had the greatest variation in phenotypic effect, and 11 typical materials were detected. Ten markers were related to wind resistance index; EUCeSSR235 had the highest contribution rate(71.14%), EUCeSSR875-90 had the greatest variation in phenotypic effect, and 34 typical materials were detected. Seven markers were associated with >2 traits; EUCeSSR332 was related to tree height, DBH, volume, and wind damage index, which could explain the phenotypic variation rate of >60%. EUCeSSR484, EUCeSSR352, EUCeSSR570, and EUCeSSR422 were associated with two tree height and wind damage index traits and EUCeSSR489 and EUCeSSR114 were associated with tree height and volume. 【Conclusion】The genetic structure of the 109 E. camaldulensis materials was simple and the linkage disequilibrium was low. Based on the SSR association analysis, a number of excellent E. camaldulensis wind resistance allelic variation genes were identified and the selected molecular markers were provided for Eucalyptus breeding.

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