JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 31-39.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202107030
Special Issue: 专题报道; 林木 CRISPR/Cas基因编辑专题
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WANG Zhuwen(), GUO Yanjiao, LI Shuang, ZHOU Chenguang*(
), CHIANG Vincent, LI Wei*(
ZHOU Chenguang,LI Wei;;
CLC Number:
WANG Zhuwen, GUO Yanjiao, LI Shuang, ZHOU Chenguang, CHIANG Vincent, LI Wei. Functional analyses of PtrHBI 1 gene in Populus trichocarpa based on CRISPR/Cas9[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(6): 31-39.
Table 1
Primer list in the experiments"
引物名称 primer name | 序列 sequences | 用途 application |
PtrHBI1-1F | 5'-CACCATGCTGTCTCAAAAACACATCTTT-3' | PtrHBI1基因克隆 cloning of PtrHBI1 gene |
PtrHBI1-2F | 5'-CTAGGGATCCATGCTGTCTCAAAAACACATCT-3' | pUC19-35S-PtrHBI1-GFP瞬时表达载体构建 construction of pUC19-35S-ptrHBI1-GFP transient expression vector |
PtrHBI1-3F | 5'-AGCTGATTAGCCAATTCTATCA-3' | PtrHBI1基因探针 PtrHBI1 gene probe |
PtrHBI1-g-F PtrHBI1-g-R | 5'-GATTGAGAAGCAGAGGTAACGGCA-3' 5'-TGCCGTTACCTCTGCTTCTCCAAA-3' | pEgP237载体构建,R端引物亦用于转基因植株鉴定 vector construction of pEgP237,PtrHBI1-g-R also for transgenic identification |
M13F | 5'-GTAAAACGACGGCCAG-3' | 转基因鉴定 transgenic identification |
PtrHBI1-5F PtrHBI1-5R | 5'-GAGATAGGATTGATTGGAAGG-3' 5'-AGTCTTCTGATTTTCCTTCGA-3' | 靶位点编辑情况的鉴定 indetification of gene editing |
Table 2
Wood composition of WT and ptrhbi1 mutant plants in P. trichocarpa%"
样本 sample | 碳水化合物占比carbohydrates rate | 木质素占比lignin rate | ||||||
葡萄糖 glucose | 木糖 xylose | 半乳糖 galactose | 阿拉伯糖 the Arab sugar | 总计 total | 酸不可溶性 木质素 acid insoluble lignin | 酸可溶性 木质素 acid soluble lignin | 总计 total | |
野生型 WT | 53.70±0.75 | 12.25±0.31 | 1.25±0.03 | 2.36±0.05 | 69.55±1.10 | 19.40±0.58 | 3.63±0.05 | 23.03±0.62 |
突变体 ptrhbi1 | 57.61±0.23** | 11.64±0.08 | 1.04±0.02** | 2.5±0.01* | 72.79±0.17* | 17.39±0.33* | 3.84±0.05* | 21.22±0.28 |
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