JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 39-47.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2006.201912002
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XUE Yuanyuan1,3(), LUAN Zhaoqing1,3,*(
), SHI Dan2,3, YAN Dandan1,3
LUAN Zhaoqing;
CLC Number:
XUE Yuanyuan, LUAN Zhaoqing, SHI Dan, YAN Dandan. The influences of the hydraulic gradient on the ecological characteristics of wetland vegetation communities in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2020, 44(6): 39-47.
Table 1
Main characteristics of wetland plant associations in Honghe Nature Reserve in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China"
样区 代号 No. | 群丛名称 association’s name | 优势种(重要值/%) dominant species (IV) | 主要伴生种 main companion species | 水位/cm water level |
Ⅰ | 毛果苔草+漂筏苔草群丛 Assoc. C. lasiocarpa+C. pseudocuraica | 毛果苔草(37.25),漂筏苔草(35.04) C. lasiocarpa(37.25), C. pseudocuraica(35.04) | 睡菜,东北沼委陵菜 M. trifoliata, C. palustre | 30.50 |
Ⅱ | 漂筏苔草+毛果苔草群丛 Assoc. C. pseudocuraica+C. lasiocarpa | 漂筏苔草(79.58),毛果苔草(14.12) C. pseudocuraica(79.58), C. lasiocarpa(14.12) | 芦苇 P. australis | 28.80 |
Ⅲ | 毛果苔草+狭叶甜茅+漂筏苔草群丛 Assoc. C. lasiocarpa+G. spiculosa+ C. pseudocuraica | 毛果苔草(33.48),狭叶甜茅(13.31),漂筏苔草(21.15) C. lasiocarpa(33.48), G. spiculosa(13.31), C. pseudocuraica(21.15) | 东北沼委陵菜,湿苔草 C. palustre, C. humida | 28.50 |
Ⅳ | 芦苇+漂筏苔草+毛果苔草群丛 Assoc. P. australis+C. pseudocuraica+ C. lasiocarpa | 芦苇(48.67),漂筏苔草(31.14),毛果苔草(14.10) P. australis(48.67), C. pseudocuraica(31.14), C. lasiocarpa(14.10) | 狭叶甜茅,小叶章 G. spiculosa, C. angustifolia | 27.40 |
Ⅴ | 毛果苔草+狭叶甜茅+小叶章群丛 Assoc. C. lasiocarpa+G. spiculosa+ C. angustifolia | 毛果苔草(29.69),狭叶甜茅(18.20),小叶章(25.62) C. lasiocarpa(29.69), G. spiculosa(18.20), C. angustifolia(25.62) | 漂筏苔草,溪木贼 C. pseudocuraica, E. fluviatile | 26.14 |
Ⅵ | 漂筏苔草+毛果苔草+小叶章群丛 Assoc. C. pseudocuraica+C. lasiocarpa+ C. angustifolia | 漂筏苔草(27.49),毛果苔草(27.08),小叶章(20.47) C. pseudocuraica(27.49), C. lasiocarpa(27.08), C. angustifolia(20.47) | 湿苔草,东北拉拉藤 C. humida, G. manshuricum | 25.36 |
Ⅶ | 漂筏苔草+狭叶甜茅+湿苔草群丛 Assoc. C. pseudocuraica+G. spiculosa+ C. humida | 漂筏苔草(46.67),狭叶甜茅(27.72),湿苔草(8.91) C. pseudocuraica(46.67), G. spiculosa(27.72), C. humida(8.91) | 芦苇、毛果苔草 P. australis, C. lasiocarpa | 25.77 |
Ⅷ | 小叶章+狭叶甜茅+芦苇群丛 Assoc. C. angustifolia+G. spiculosa+ P. australis | 小叶章(31.34),狭叶甜茅(28.63),芦苇(27.64) C. angustifolia(31.34), G. spiculosa(28.63), P. australis(27.64) | 湿苔草 C. humida | 21.50 |
Ⅸ | 小叶章+湿苔草群丛 Assoc. C. angustifolia+C. humida | 小叶章(77.26),湿苔草(21.47) C. angustifolia(77.26), C. humida(21.47) | 水蓼 P. hydropiper | 15.33 |
Ⅹ | 小叶章-沼柳群丛 Assoc. C. angustifolia-S. rosmarinifolia var.brachypoda | 小叶章(49.98),沼柳(23.13) C.angustifolia(49.98),S. rosmarinifolia var.brachypoda(23.13) | 柳叶绣线菊,二歧银莲花 S. salicifolia, A.dichotoma | 9.60 |
Ⅺ | 小叶章+湿苔草-柳叶绣线菊群丛 Assoc. C. angustifolia+C. humida- S. salicifolia | 小叶章(57.59),湿苔草(10.62),柳叶绣线菊(15.81) C. angustifolia(57.59), C. humida(10.62), S. salicifolia(15.81) | 毛水苏,野豌豆 S. baicalensis, V.sepium | 5.75 |
Ⅻ | 小叶章群丛 Assoc. C. angustifolia | 小叶章(81.08) C. angustifolia(81.08) | 山黧豆,蚊子草 L. quinquenervius, F. palmata | 3.33 |
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