JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (2): 77-86.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.201902033
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CHEN Xiubo1,2(), DUAN Wenbiao1,*(
), CHEN Lixin1, ZHU Dequan3,4, ZHAO Chenchen3, LIU Dongxu3,4
DUAN Wenbiao;
CLC Number:
CHEN Xiubo, DUAN Wenbiao, CHEN Lixin, ZHU Dequan, ZHAO Chenchen, LIU Dongxu. Community structure and diversity of soil nirK-type denitrifying microorganisms in three forest types of primitive Pinus koraiensis mixed forest in Liangshui National Nature Reserve, Lesser Khingan Mountains[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2021, 45(2): 77-86.
Table 1
Basic information of sampling sites of three types of primitive Pinus koraiensis forest of Lesser Khingan Mountains"
林型 forest type | 林分密度/ (株·hm-2) stand density | 平均树高/m mean height | 平均胸径/cm mean DBH | 郁闭度/% canopy | 主要植物 main plants |
云冷杉红松林 Picea asperata and Abies fabri- Piuns koraiensis forest | 156.00±40.00 | 25.27±1.51 | 50.33±4.25 | 81.50±4.51 | 冷杉(Abies fabri)、云杉(Picea asperata)、花楷槭(Acer ukurunduense)、青楷槭(A. tegmentosum)、五角槭(A. mono) |
椴树红松林 Tilia spp.-Pinus koraiensis forest | 128.00±39.19 | 26.37±1.67 | 54.45±6.26 | 84.50±5.45 | 槺椴(Tilia mandschurica)、紫椴(T. amurensis)、花楷槭(A. ukurunduense)、青楷槭(A. tegmentosum)、五角槭(A. mono) |
枫桦红松林 Betula costata- Pinus koraiensis forest | 128.00±42.10 | 28.60±2.60 | 59.80±8.40 | 89.50±6.30 | 枫桦(Betula costata)、五角槭(A. mono)、臭松(Abies nephrolepis)、稠李(Prunus padus)、青楷槭(A. tegmentosum)、椴树(Tilia spp.)、毛榛子(Corylus mandshurica)、瘤枝卫矛(Euonymus verrucosus)等 |
Table 2
Physicochemical properties of soil in three types of primitive Pinus koraiensis mixed forest of Lesser Khingan Mountains"
林型 forest type | pH | 土壤含水 量/% soil water content | 总有机碳/ (g·kg-1) total organic carbon | 全氮/ (g·kg-1) total nitrogen | 全磷/ (mg·kg-1) total phosphorus | 总孔 隙度/% total porosity | 土壤容重/ (g·cm-3) soil bulk density | (mg·kg-1) content of | N 含量 (mg·kg-1) content of |
A | 6.13±0.15 a | 62.79±4.18 a | 213.69±21.28 a | 4.48±0.18 a | 5.46±0.35 b | 46.46±2.27 b | 0.89±0.06 a | 5.13±0.25 a | 20.36±0.95 c |
B | 6.11±0.25 a | 78.21±7.32 b | 216.32±20.43 a | 4.69±0.07 a | 5.17±0.29 b | 51.86±1.63 a | 0.93±0.06 a | 4.76±0.36 b | 25.00±1.63 b |
C | 5.95±0.56 a | 62.46±3.36 a | 202.80±36.54 a | 6.85±0.92 b | 9.87±0.54 a | 51.68±1.91 a | 0.93±0.02 a | 4.26±0.16 c | 36.15±3.10 a |
Table 3
Alpha diversity index of soil nirK-type denitrifying microorganisms in three types of primitive Pinus koraiensis mixed forest of Lesser Khingan Mountains"
林型 forest types | Shannon 指数 Shannon index | Ace指数 Ace index | Chao1 指数 Chao1 index | Simpson 指数 Simpson index |
云冷杉红松林 Picea asperata and Abies fabri- Pinus koraiensis forest | 8.22± 0.18 a | 1433± 329.86 a | 1414± 303.83 a | 0.99± 0.003 a |
椴树红松林 Tilia spp.- P. koraiensis forest | 7.79± 2.19 a | 1844± 532.61 a | 1779± 506.67 a | 0.90± 0.16 a |
枫桦红松林 Betula costata- P. koraiensis forest | 7.45± 1.25 a | 1630± 915.70 a | 1578± 836.18 a | 0.93± 0.04 a |
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