JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (6): 124-132.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202208059
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WEI Yi1(), WEI Xiaoli1,2,*(
), WANG Mingbin1, WANG Man1, YU Dalong1
CLC Number:
WEI Yi, WEI Xiaoli, WANG Mingbin, WANG Man, YU Dalong. Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on the photosynthetic physiology and morphology of Ormosia hosiei seedlings[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2023, 47(6): 124-132.
Table 1
Effects of different CO2 concentrations on gas exchange parameters of Ormosia hosiei seedlings"
处理 treatment | Pn/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | Tr/ (mmol·m-2·s-1) | Gs/ (mol·m-2·s-1) | Ci/ (μmol·m-2·s-1) | EWUE/ (mmol·mol-1) |
CK | 3.39±0.42 c | 0.78±0.11 b | 0.043±0.002 b | 253.03±25.59 c | 4.45±1.27 c |
E1 | 6.93±0.99 b | 0.97±0.11 ab | 0.060±0.010 a | 381.85±28.89 b | 7.20±0.98 b |
E2 | 11.37±0.39 a | 1.09±0.03 a | 0.069±0.002 a | 499.71±21.90 a | 10.41±0.54 a |
Table 2
Effects of different CO2 concentrations on apparent characteristics of O. hosiei seedlings"
处理 treatment | 叶面积/cm2 LA | 叶干质量/g LDW | 比叶重/(g·cm-2) leaf specific weight | 株高净生长量/cm height net growth | 地径净生长量/mm ground diameter net growth | 高径比/(cm·mm-1) ratio of height to ground diameter |
CK | 17.21±0.47 c | 0.86±0.10 a | 0.50±0.006 a | 9.17±1.52 b | 1.05±0.10 c | 8.09±0.42 a |
E1 | 22.17±1.02 b | 0.84±0.07 a | 0.38±0.004 b | 9.50±1.04 b | 1.83±0.97 b | 7.34±0.25 b |
E2 | 28.39±0.91 a | 0.98±0.04 a | 0.34±0.004 b | 14.83±0.23 a | 2.37±0.10 a | 7.61±0.11 b |
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