JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 166-174.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202203016
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YE Jianqiang1(), ZHANG Fangfang1,2, CHEN Lixin1, HUANG Zhuozhong1, LAN Taoju1,*(
CLC Number:
YE Jianqiang, ZHANG Fangfang, CHEN Lixin, HUANG Zhuozhong, LAN Taoju. Potentiality evaluation of Pleurotus citrinopileatus cultivation with Tetradium ruticarpum branch sawdust[J]. JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY, 2024, 48(2): 166-174.
Table 2
The main nutrient ingredient of raw materials"
基质 raw materials | c(粗蛋白)/% crude protein content | c(纤维素)/% cellulose content | c(半纤维素)/% hemicellulose content | c(木质素)/% lignin content | 碳氮比 C/N | 硒含量/(mg·kg-1) Se content |
吴茱萸枝屑 T. ruticarpum sawdust | 8.03±0.05 a | 44.50±2.34 a | 11.10±0.68 b | 27.80±2.05 b | 34.04±0.21 a | 0.020 0±0.001 3 a |
杂木屑sawdust | 1.89±0.02 b | 46.40±1.62 a | 9.80±0.49 b | 31.50±2.10 ab | 144.23±1.04 c | — |
棉籽壳cottonseed hull | 4.20±0.12 c | 48.90±2.37 a | 15.50±0.76 a | 32.40±1.33 a | 62.06±0.55 b | 0.002 6±0.000 3 b |
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