JOURNAL OF NANJING FORESTRY UNIVERSITY ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 159-167.doi: 10.12302/j.issn.1000-2006.202206046

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Analysis and comprehensive evaluation of nutrient components in bamboo shoots of different clones of Chimonobambusa utilis

BIAN Lili1(), LIANG Dahong2, FAN Meiling2, WU Hongyu1, ZHOU Binao1, YAO Wenjing1, WANG Fusheng1, DING Yulong1, LIN Shuyan1,*()   

  1. 1. Co-Innovation Center for Sustainable Forestry in Southern China, Bamboo Research Institute, College of Life Science, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
    2. Forestry Bureau of Tongzi County, Tongzi 563200, China
  • Received:2022-06-23 Revised:2022-08-09 Online:2024-07-30 Published:2024-08-05
  • Contact: LIN Shuyan;


【Objective】Differences in nutrient composition and mineral and amino acid contents between the original species (FY) and six clones (F1-F6) of bamboo shoots of Chimonobambusa utilis were compared to provide an important reference for further breeding and planting of C. utilis.【Method】The nutritional composition of bamboo shoots of C. utilis were analyzed by liquid chromatography, and their quality were evaluated by principal component analysis and cluster analysis.【Result】The water content of the seven kinds of bamboo shoots were greater than 90%. The crude protein content ranged from 1.86% to 5.96%, with clone F4 having the highest content. The fat content ranged from 0.38% to 0.68%, with clone F5 having the lowest content. The dietary fiber content ranged from 22.12% to 29.52%, and clone F6 had the highest content. Vc content ranged from 0.170 5 mg/g to 0.396 1 mg/g, with clone F1 having the highest content. The highest content of total sugar was found in FY, whereas the highest contents of fructose and glucose were in clone F3 and F6, respectively. The highest flavonoid content was found in FY (1.39 mg/g). The total acid content was 13.68-21.04 mg/g, and tannin content was 4.55-9.71 mg/g. In mineral elements, clone F4 had a high content of each element, whereas F2 had the opposite. For selenium content, FY,clone F4 and F6 ranked as the top three among the seven kinds of bamboo shoots. Seventeen amino acids were found in all seven kinds of bamboo shoots. The highest total content of amino acids was in clone F1 (14.93 mg/g), and the lowest content was in clone F3 (8.72 mg/g). The highest essential amino acid content was found in clone F2 (34.25%) and the lowest was in clone F1 (30.38%). The total amount of flavor amino acids was highest in clone F1 (14.64 mg/g) and lowest in F3 (8.08 mg/g). Five key indicators (total acid, calcium, dietary fiber, flavonoids, Vc) were extracted by principal component analysis, with a cumulative variance contribution rate of 96.797%. The overall quality ranking was clone F1, FY, clone F5, F4, F6, F2 and F3. Cluster analysis showed that the seven kinds of C. utilis bamboo shoots were clustered into two groups.【Conclusion】Compared with other bamboo species, the quality of bamboo shoots of the original species and clones of C. utilis is excellent. clone F1, FY and clone F5 showed the best performance in the comprehensive nutritional indexes of nutrient composition, followed by clone F4, F6, F2 and F3.

Key words: Chimonobambusa utilis, bamboo shoots, nutrient content, principal component analysis, cluster analysis

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